Sunday, April 27, 2014

6+ on Sunday!

Hello, New World!

I come to you with a fun-filled weekend to share!

Mama and Papa Sciato came to visit this weekend. I don't know what we'd do without them!!!! They originally came to help us strip our deck so we can re-stain it, but that quickly turned into other tasks!!

1. While Heffe and Papa C. power-washed away the old stain on our deck, Mama C. helped me get a head start on wedding favors!!! Sorry, New World, no sneak peaks here ;)

2. Here is an actual close up of what Heffe and Papa C. were able to conquer:  
Clean and ready for fresh flowers!!!!

3. Mama C. helped me turn our inherited patio set from green/mismatched, into this:
Our neighbor even commented on it!!! Love that we could fool someone into thinking it's new with just a little spray paint!

4. The spray paint also came in handy for these once-sea-foam-green chairs...
So much better!! Aaah #cozyfrontporch #ilooksuperprettyafter10hoursofhouseprojects

5. Oh yeah, since we borrowed the power-washer, we could clean out our garage! SO gross from nasty Cbus winter!!
VAST improvement!!!

6. While I was spray painting my forearms into oblivion, Heffe was finishing up mulching our yard! 30 bags total = Heffe is a BEAST! 
Close up front:) pretty green and purple somethings;)
Side yard- side yard side note- Heffe CHOPPED down those 3 trees in the middle/background!!! Who is he?! Hidden talents galore!:)

7.! Papa C. helped us fix our grill (Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Kent!!!) and gave us some tips for installing the propane tank. Then, once we discovered we had created fire and did not explode our neighborhood, we were able to food prep and cook the dinner nomnoms as shown...
I'm hungry again!!!!

Summer is gonna be GOOD New World, it's gonna be good. :) 

Until next time, this is me, bein me. 
Enjoying fake summer for a few more weeks;)

Cheers :)

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Will-Power Wednesday

Okay, New World, it's been awhile. Here is a little anecdote for just another manic Wednesday. 

So Heffe and I have passed the 3 month mark til our big day!!! HOLY S*#%!!! Most of our big details are set and ready... Now comes the details. We are trying to keep level heads, stay organized, and be realistic. It's working for the most part ;) 

Well... Less than 90 days to our wedding means less than 90 days until our glorious honeymoon!!!!! Disney and Mexico with the love of my life?! What more could a Sciato ask for! :) 

Here's what Sciato can ask for. A honeymoon ready bod. Self-control is not really something at which Janissa excels... Especially when it involves food and booze. Since the marathon 6 months ago, I've definitely fallen off the wagon, had about a million glasses of wine (glasses, bottles, dozens, hundreds, whatever stop judging!), and disgustingly over-done it with Bdubs and Marcella's. 

Time to get serious! Please understand, New World, I am not trying to look anorexic for our wedding- at this point, I'm praying to GOD that my dress just fits! I bought it when I was training...aka running 25-30+ miles a week...aka about 25-30 more miles a week than I've done consistently in about 6 months. Whoops. 

Heffe and I have cut out fun, I mean certain indulgences, until after the wedding: fast food, breakfast out during the week, Bdubs altogether, and weekday drinking, plus, we are committing to at least 4 days of good workouts. It's been a rough few weeks. Eating our grilled chicken salads and only baked chips and only 100 calorie desserts and working out when we're tired and trying not to feel too sorry for ourselves. #firstworldweddingprobs

Enter Will-power Wednesday. 

Heffe is at class. I -wanted- to go to DSW after I left I work. I played out the whole night in my head. I could go to DSW, get new flats that I NEED;), then hit up Mickey d's for a number 10, large sized, and a COKE. No, Sciato, bad Sciato! You can go to Jason's after DSW and get a gluten free sandwich and veggie soup. And maybe a fountain coke. -If- you only eat half the sandwich. 

Here's what really happened. 

Sciato went to the gym, ran 4 miles (instead of the 2 I intended to run), and then COOKED tilapia over salad with sautéed veggies and a touch of cheese. I might or might not have had 2 baby scoops of ice cream after, but who counts dessert anyway;)

Even with the cheese and ice cream, an infinitely better choice than Mickey D's. Except I do regret not going to DSW. There's always room for that. :)

Do you struggle with self-discipline during the week? How do you deal with fatigue and stress? How do you deal with self-pity?! Gotta help me out, New World, it's gonna be a long 3 months!!!

Until next time... 
Keep cheerin me on...

Cheers. :)

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Hello, New World!

It's been awhile. :) But, I've been busy!!

I just returned yesterday from a 4-day trip to see one of my bestest and dearest friends- Cassie... aka Tino, Tins, Lil Kid, and my fave, Captain Cupcake. 
She's basically a rock star. We have been besties since 2nd grade. She is my sista from another mista. Her family is my family. Mi casa e' su casa. Get the picture? :) She's my partner in crime.

Here's a picture memoir of my decadent, indulgent, beautiful weekend with Tino in the #PacificNorthWest. 

Day 1:
Cassie rented a hotel room for us Downtown Seattle. We dropped our stuff, toasted a glass of champagne, and headed out to start our merriment!

Cassie took me to iconic Pike Place- we just missed some fish tossing, but we went through the market, got the best hot apple cider and some beautiful flowers, and did some more touristy things- like visit the original Starbucks. :)

I had to explain to Tino why I was snapping this pic- If I were feeling better, I woulda snagged this for Cincy! ;) #porkopolis

#mypikeplace First Starbucks EVA! Yahoo!

After the Pike Place Market, we walked back up to the downtown area. We stopped for cocktails, and then made our way back to the hotel to nap and get dolled up for dinner!

Cassie found this restaurant called The Old Sage. We had 2 orders (4 total loaves! haha!) of puff bread, asparagus, short ribs, pork belly, and some unidentifiable but delicious green dippy thing. And wine. DECADENCE!!! Cassie always delivers! Here we are after dinner having more cocktails. It was a wild and crazy night for us- haha 2 drinks and we called it a night. ;) 

Day 2: 
We start out in typical Sciato-Tino fashion, sparing no expense, at Salty's for brunch on Alki Beach (across the Puget Sound from Seattle). 
This was like no brunch spectacular that I have ever been a part of. All-you-can-eat seafood and regular breakfast noms. Oh. And dessert. And of course we had mimosas.

This was our view of Seattle from our table! Yeah baby!

After brunch, Cassie drove me through Alki Beach. Super cute beach town!! Yes, beach town! Not like an East Coast beach town, but definitely had lots of kitschy fun to offer! :)

Then, we went back to Tino's in Tacoma to rest a bit before dinner. 

The thing about Sea-Tac that I cannot seem to explain or say enough is how beautiful it is! Every movie that was ever shot in Washington does not give it justice.  I mean, there are MOUNTAINS around you everywhere you look! It's so majestic, so breathtaking, and was such a completely welcomed change of scenery!!
Oh, and the highway signs are silhouettes of George Washington. LOVE! ;)

Port of Tacoma :)
I'll save you all the port pictures I took, but man, if you haven't, think about all the jobs and businesses that are affected by sea travel and shipment. Pretty amazing what people are capable of doing and creating! 
<insert "Lookout, madam mermaid-she's waiting for you in mysterious fathoms belowwwwwww"> 

After we took a breather at Casa di Cassie, we quick-changed and did more site-seeing before heading to dinner.
Case and point. Seemingly randomly placed metropark in Tacoma, being the home of botanical gardens, trails, and a zoo. What?! 

 Sciato had to give Tino a tutorial of how to make a heart with her hands. Hi, I'm 8. and Cassie and I apparently missed that part of 2nd grade, lol #notsurprised

 She's so pretty :) 

So Cassie's sweet boyfriend, Sam, made us a tasty tasty dinner, and Cassie made a tasty tasty strawberry and peach cobler for dessert. Sciato ate VERY WELL this weekend! :)

Us party animals called it another early night, as Cassie and I fell asleep on her couch while watching "The Great Gatsby." 

Day 3: 

The day started off by realizing that the weather was so nice, that the "mountain was out." Yes, that's how Sea-Tac-ians gauge their weather! Cassie had to admit, they had very uncharacteristic weather while I was there. You're welcome! ;) It rained Day 1, and then Day 2 and Day 3 (and even Day 4!) were beautiful!!! So, in order to see the "mountain that was out," one needn't search too far. I mean, Mount Rainier is a pretty freaking big volcanic mountain. Tino said that the best view was from her work. So, I got to accompany her to her Air Force Base. :) Have I mentioned that Cassie is a bad ass? Like, really. Freaking. Bad Ass.

Here's civilian Sciato in front of Mount Rainier!

Yeah. Captain Cupcake climbed to the top of this course to take that picture for me. She's a beast!!!

After this, Tino took me to her favorite coffee house, Valhalla Coffee Co: Home of the World's Best Mocha.


Cassie did a great job of showing me all the sights Sea-Tac has to offer- including the Tacoma Narrows Bridge... I didn't recognize this either... until Cassie called it "Galloping Girdy." Oh yes. The bridge we watched buckle in physics class! Glad we didn't take it... even though it's been rebuilt since that! #ilovescience

 Then, we went to Chambers Bay for a leisurely walk- yeah right, lol Hacking/sneezing/snotting Sciato tried to buck up for a 2-3 mile hike down and back up this trail. 
Sidenote- Chambers Bay is where the 2015 PGA Golf Championship will be played! Jealous? ;)

Here's Tino walking to the trail. I'm still blowing my nose and doing tourist things. :)
Part of the golf course- does NOT look easy! Guess that's why they're professional golfers! :)

Rightly so, after we successfully finished this hike, we congratulated ourselves for being masters of the universe and celebrated with wine and antipasta for lunch at the cutest Italian joint in town, Pomodoro's. 

Day 3 was also Opening Day! GO REDLEGS!! :)
That's sign #2 that Cincy follows me everywhere, in case anyone was keeping track! :) 

After Sciato got a little tipsy at lunch, we came back to Cassie's to relax and enjoy each other's company. Still a beautiful afternoon, we opened windows and had some more beverages!
 We had the most spectacular view from her apt, both outside... 
and in... 
It's a good thing some things never change. Me and Cassie and the Food Network  = a match made in relaxation heaven!!
We finished off Day 3 with YouTube videos, episodes of "Too Cute" and "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding," the movie "Best in Show," and Cassie's pasta and meatballs. Our mamas would be proud!!! :) 

Day 4: 
Sucked. I hate goodbyes. It's very seldom that I get to see Cassie, and I really think that we made the best use of our time together!! We had lots of time to sight-see and get a feel for the West Coast Vibes, but we also had a lot of time to just sit and talk and just be with each other!!! Much needed girl time, indeed! :) Love my Tino!!!

By the time I got to the airport, I had to cope with my depression. 

New World, if you haven't go to Seattle. It's a beautiful place, full of vibrance, green grass, and fantastic people. And when you go, look up Cassie. She's your right hand gal!
Thanks for a great weekend, Tino!! :) 

Until next time, New World, 

This is me, bein me. :) 

Cheers. :)