It's been awhile. Let's talk.
1fer: I got the NICEST email from a parent of a former student today. I won't lie, her son was one of my most challenging kiddos...ever..but my heart broke for him and my might-be-right-might-be-wrong way of trying to reach him. Everyday. Anyway, she told me, in underlined and bold fashion, that everything I set up for him last year helped him to grow and helped his team this year to better educate and develop him. She went on to say the countless hours, daily notes, emails, phone calls, positive behavior reinforcements, and awkward conversations regarding this special little guy changed his life for the better. Bottom line of her email- all the things I did on a daily basis were worth it. I needed to hear that. It was so reassuring and heartfelt. I sincerely hope that he is in my class next year, so I can continue him on his path to success!
I mean, don't we all need to hear what we do day-in and day-out is worth it? I know I for SURE did.
2fer: I have 3 days left of school for the year. What. The. Hell. How did that happen?! This year has been one of the hardest and seemingly never-ending... But now as it comes to a close, I find myself much like I have felt for the majority of this school year: literally, physically, emotionally, completely unprepared. Here are the top 5 things I have learned along the way:
1. To Do lists, regardless of how many things are crossed out, are necessary for an OCD, anxious, work-life-happy hour balancer.
2. There will always be a way out. Whether it be through the art of debate and persuasion and sticking up for what you know is right... or just through the ageless face of LeVar Burton, there is always a way out.
3. No matter how much you time you spend planning or preparing or reviewing or assessing, someone will always end up pissing their pants and forgetting who they are for a half hour.
4. On the flip side of #3, See 1fer above. My actions make a difference.
5. With a full mug of coffee and a smiling attitude I can do anything.
What have you learned along your way? What was the reassurance you needed to hear?
Until next time,
This is me,
bein' Miss Casciato (professionally speaking, for the last 3 days ever)...!!!!!! EEEEEEEEE!
Cheers. :)