Thursday, January 1, 2015

525,600 Somethings

Hello, New World!


This Monday marked the first week of FLYING PIG TRAINING!!!!!!! I have had a few crystallizing milliseconds of the imnotoutofbreathsoicanthinkaboutotherthings running groove lately, mostly about the transition into a new year. 2014 has been the hardest, but BEST year of my life, and even though I know 2015 will be even better, I cannot transition into the new year without acknowledging at least part of why 2014 was so beautiful.

The song, "Seasons of Love" keeps creeping into my mind as I continue to write, edit, and revise this post. How should I measure the year 2014? 

In daylights- 365. Easy. Funny how the only daylight that I really remember was on July 12, 2014. :) (Yup! That's our wedding day:) New World, did you know I got MARRIED this year to the LOVE OF MY LIFE???? :))
In sunsets- Heffe and I are in the process of collecting pictures of our most memorable sunsets to put up in our master bedroom
In midnights- How many nights did we stay up watching dvr-ed "Survivor" on Wednesday nights after Heffe came home late from class:) Doesn't matter- best night of the work week:)
In cups of coffee- This may actually be THE way to measure the year. Okay... 365 x 2 ... or 3.... or 4.... Don't judge me, New World!
In inches- Oooooh the measuring and re-measuring of rooms for new furniture
In miles- Well, I have run through 2 pair of running shoes (300 miles x 2) and my car reached the 100,000 mark :)
In laughter- The sound of my 4 nephews laughing is the BEST sound in the world! How many times I completely lost it laughing with friends? How amazing it is to hear the people around you laugh without reservation!!
In strife- As I sat back and reread my posts from the year, it was easy to see that this has been a trying year- dealing with family health and all its implications, my own health issues, the stress and anxiety of wedding planning, professional/personal life balance... it's been a tough year. However, I'm proud that even though parts have really been difficult and have shaken me to my core, I still try to have a positive outlook, and try to give 100% to all I do. Half-ass is NOT in my vocabulary!
Journeys to plan- OUR HONEYMOON WAS THIS YEAR!!!!! Most absolutely amazing journey to date :) Whenever I think of those precious 10 days Jeff and I spent together, it just makes me smile. :)
Truths that she learned- Wow. I think the biggest truths were truths about myself. What I'm willing to do, give, sacrifice, fight for. Truth about myself. It's big stuff, New World!
Times that [s]he cried- insert Kourtney Kardashian, "Why are you crying? What are your tears for?" It's no secret that I cry more than the average human new born. If it's not brought on by stress or booze, it's brought on by compassion or empathy. Or a really good Hallmark movie.
Bridges she burned- I sincerely hope I have not burned bridges in 2014. One of the hardest parts about moving to Columbus was leaving my great friends and amazing J23 family. I hope you all know that even if I have not done a great job of keeping in touch, I think of you ALL so often!
The way that she died- Jeff is definitely an "all things happen for a reason" kind of man. He helps me to realize that there is something for us to learn from every tragedy, and those that have been called to Heaven in 2014 will certainly be held in our hearts forever.

Well, as the song goes, "the story never ends," and even though 2014 was the most incredible year to date, the best IS yet to come.

Bring it on, 2015! You've got some big shoes to fill. :) 

Until next time, New World

This is me. Bein me. :)
