Sunday, December 1, 2013

30 Days of Thankfulness- Part 2

Hello, New World!

As promised, here's more of the explanation of my Facebook #30daysofthankful! 

I'm going to pick up where I left off... except tonight, I've decided to explain my #30daysofthankful through the Christmas ornaments that Heffe and I just put up on our tree! We decided to combine all our mismatched and super personal ornaments for OUR tree, and forego the very traditional balls or beads or the other things that we've used as fillers for our separate trees for the past few years.
I think it looks swell, but that's for another day. :) 
Onto my thankfulness!!

Day 11: Veterans Day. I'm thankful for all my family, friends, and perfect strangers who fight to protect my freedom every day. 'Nuff said. Anyone who knows me knows how deeply I love the United States of America, and how blessed I believe we truly are to have all our freedoms. Freedom is not free, and my fellow Americans prove that daily. We are forever in your gratitude. 

 Day 12: I am thankful for Josh Groban. Heffe made me listen to a song from his "Noel" cd that talks about how (now I'm paraphrasing, duh) even though things suck sometimes, there is so much to be thankful for. True. Dat. This ornament is from the Polar Express- "If you just.... Believe."

Day 13: I'm thankful for the snooze button. Lately, this ornament is pretty representative of why I keep hitting snooze. Continuously. For at least 40 minutes.Whoops. Sorry I'm not sorry.

Day 14: I'm thankful for Marcella's. I know I've mentioned this restaurant in other posts, but it really holds something special for me- It is Heffe's and my "go-to, mid-week, need a date night, I'm tired, I've had a really freaking long day, I need 4 glasses of wine, I want good food that I know and trust" place. <3

**Side note, this made me realize I do not have any "Italiana" ornaments, soooooo if you're looking for a gift for yours truly for Christmas.... give me an ornament that showcases my people. ;)**

Day 15: I'm thankful for good, sweaty, Friday night workouts. And then coming home and doing this all night (with pizza and a beverage) :)

Day 16: I'm thankful for the ridiculous laughs and conversations with Heffe. I think others will get this ornament, but the sarcasm and humor that underlie our inside jokes make me laugh all day long. :)

Day 17: I'm thankful for friendships that are unchanged by time or distance. This is an ornament I received in college. And it just looks mushy and nostalgic, duh!

Day 18: I'm thankful for all the kiddos I teach and have ever taught. I have posted this on Facebook before, but New World, you must know that I truly do hold every child that I've ever taught in my heart forever.

Day 19: I'm thankful that my gym has TVs. And it keeps me distracted when I want to give up. Breathing isn't always necessary, right? :) Ergo, distraction. Or motivation. Whatever.

Day 20: I'm thankful for my big brother, Tony. Tony's birthday is 11/20. :) Sure, he's scary and teases me, and is sometimes mean, but. In SPITE of all that, he is one of my best friends.
I'm SO blessed that I have such a great relationship with both of my brothers. 

Tony and me circa 1990s, and ornament "I" made in 1989. :)


Okay, New World! You got another taste of my #30daysofthankful, and of Heffe's and my Christmas Tree!! (minus the throwback of Tony and me)... that's what I call a 2-fer!

Until next time, New World. :)

This is me. Bein me. 

Cheers. :)

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