I come to you this morning with a fresh cup of Seattle's REAL best coffee- thanks for the Valhalla, Tino!!!- and a brain full of... Theories.
So Heffe and I have been doing somewedding planning lately, not sure if you knew that. ;) We only have 11 days to go, and anyone who has been through wedding planning can vouch for us when we say our to do list, while no "big" tasks are looming anymore, looks like a 5 year old's scribbles. Cross one thing off, but add 2 more. We'll get there! This is not what my rant is about.
This rant is about my house and it's pieces crying out to us like a petulant child.
Apparently, we're not giving enough attention to the 703, what with us cleaning it only once a week and stopping to enjoy it's coziness maybe once every other week. We have dedicated our dining room to wedding things instead of restoring it to it's supper club glory. We've been plugging in new devices and yelling at it's thick walls for blocking netflix. We've left streaks of sample paint colors on its walls, which have served more as conversational art pieces than project kick starters.
703 got a LOT of much deserved attention from Heffe's mama over the weekend, but I'm pretty sure it's now in full revolt since our attention has not been on finishing the tasks she began for us... It's been on other things... Like wedding planning.
Here's the evidence.
1. Our washer broke 2 weeks ago on the eve of our departure for a weekend trip. Our washer said, "You've used me like you always use me... I can't take this love me and leave me. I'll show you." And so, it smoked and smoked and made our kitchen smell bad, and we ultimately had to buy a new washer.
2. A yellowish line of death has appeared on our kitchen ceiling. Right above it is our master bath's shower stall of doom. We knew it needed serious TLC when we moved in. It's the eyesore of the master bedroom. We thought it was purely asthetically challenged, though. And we continued to use it. Wrong-o!!! So, it said, "I can tell these amateurs have no clue how I work, so I'll make the problem big enough that they have to call in a professional who will know exactly how to treat me." We had to file a claim with our home warranty company (thank God it hadn't expired and we renew in 11 days), but found out the secondary damage to floorboards and walls and ceilings won't be covered. Well played, shower stall. Well played.
3. Our lawn mower is producing a horrific amount of smoke and burning oil. It said, "This girl is using me for a work out, and bragging to her family about how fast she can mow the entire yard. I am getting tired of her taking all the glory. And by the way, these fools don't even know how to take care of me! Where's my cool drink of water to flush out my blade and underparts after we've sped through the lawn at the speed of light?" (who knew you had to clean a lawn mower, and are supposed to hook up your hose to it when it is running!? Anyone else see that as counterintuitive!!?) I tried to channel my inner mechanic, and Heffe and I have plans to work on it for the third night in a row, but the reality of the matter is, I might as well call a service company and turn out my pockets.
House-3, Janissa-broke.
So to all you impending visitors coming soon for wedding festivities... Please rejoice in the glory of 703... And I guess give it a hug. Apparently, it needs it.
Until next time, I'll be trying to smooth things over in my house-homeowner relationship...
I need a cocktail, New World.
Cheers. ;)
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