Last year was a tough year- it was essentially the third grade level I'd taught in three years, and you know me- creature of habit! I felt down, angry, and almost burnt out at times. Not a happy Sciato! So, not to say that there won't be challenges this year, because there always will be, but I've decided to change my perspective. It's the one thing I can always control! ;)
So. I just want to take a quick minute to share my New School Year Resolutions with you, and you need to hold me accountable. :)
1. Stay focused, organized, and prepared. Heffe has taught me this one! We lose so much time and energy while focused on things that don't matter- I'm going to try to think hard and analyze the situation or task at hand before I act, so that I'm maximizing my productivity and ultimately, my sanity. Being "prepared" can and will sometimes just mean to be prepared to be flexible, and to embrace the chaos. :)
2. Take brain breaks! We need them just as much as our students!!! My hurdle- taking 30 minutes to leave work in the classroom, and eat my lunch in peace.
3. Realize MY time is valuable, too. This is going to be the HARDEST for me. It means saying no, or asking to schedule time to discuss fillintheblank instead of me having to stop what I'm doing to discuss it, or simply asking for help. My time (aka, my personal, outside of school time that I would normally take up to recover from said interruptions, as completely necessary as those interruptions usually are..time is never on the side of a teacher..) MY time is valuable, too.
4. Let it gooooooo.... Yes, I'm taking a lesson from Frozen. I'm going to try to take more things in stride, I'm going to try to not get frustrated by things I can't control, and if all else fails, I'll piss off my hallway-mates and actually sing, "Let it go!" :)
5. I'm going to be happy. There. I said it. I became a teacher for so many reasons... And not one of them has to do with workplace social politics or standardized tests. One of the top reasons I became a teacher is because I love being around children. They are so completely naive to most of the nonesense that is going on around them. They say the FUNNIEST things- even when they are tying to be serious. They make me laugh, cry, and FEEL. They make me remember what kind of person I want to be, and at the end of the day, I really do still think I can make an impact on their lives, even for just one minute of one hour of one day.
Hold me accountable, New World. It's all downhill from here. :)
Until next time,
This is me, bein me.
Cheers. :)
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