Hello, New World. (notice the no exclamation point. #elainebenes)
On Sunday, I tried to post an update to my blog. I usually give Heffe a sneak peak and do a read aloud of my updates before I publish. This particular update was all over the place, to the point where Heffe said, "I don't understand what you're trying to say."
At first, I was crushed. How could HE of all people not get me?! So, I decided to just save the post, to maybe revisit later, and not actually publish the update.
Well, I just re-read it... and, guess what. Heffe was right. I didn't even understand what I was trying to say.
So I deleted that one, and I'm starting from scratch. Well, almost scratch. I kept the title. I can be so witty sometimes. ;)
So here's my reality.
I HATE the month of September. End of summer. Beginning of 70+ hour work weeks where I still don't feel prepared. End of free calendars. Beginning of school for Heffe. End of sleep. Beginning of big black baggy wrinkles under my eyes.
I'm especially depressed this September because wedding and honeymoon stuff are REALLY over. My and Heffe's combined calendars and to-do lists are completely overwhelming, and "making time" for anything other than those things on our calendars or to-do lists is just not going to happen. Not just highly unlikely. It is just about impossible without dropping the ball from one of the other plates we're spinning. It absolutely SUCKS that we're back to the place where we are crossing really big events off our lists and anxiously watching the clock until we need to leave and get back to our calendars and to-do lists.
I have really been feeling emotional lately. Not to sound completely cliche, but I am really feeling like no one is understanding what I'm saying or how I'm feeling...which is probably why Heffe saying he didn't understand my unpublished update (even though he was RIGHT) made me upset.
About a month ago, I posted the five things I am striving to do throughout the duration of this school year. It was really the five things I am striving to do in order to balance all aspects of my life. It seems that I've offended everyone in some way by trying to make sure I have my ducks in a row and I am taking care of myself. I hate feeling like I've let people down. I hate feeling like what I'm saying isn't being heard. It's like it my good intentions (mainly of taking care of myself first, so I can take care of others) have completely backfired right in my face, shouting, "Nice Try! You Failed!" and everything sucks. I'm a little tired of taking the high road continually, and I don't know what to do.
Enter #theoatmeal's The Blerch.

You suck, Blerch.
The Blerch is the personified running wall you hit around the second to last mile before the euphoric mile that pushes you into the Runner's High. However, since I can't manage to find the time or energy to create a workout routine substantial enough to find a running wall... The Blerch is standing in my freaking way all the freaking time.
So what am I going to do to get past The Blerch?
I'm going to rip its wings off, steal its stylin headband, and kick it out of my face.
We all have our demons and our saving graces.
My saving grace for now... watching this video, and remembering that sometimes, even Mary Poppins gets "cheeky." ;)
Until next time, Blerchful or Blerchless New World,
Cheers. :)
At first, I was crushed. How could HE of all people not get me?! So, I decided to just save the post, to maybe revisit later, and not actually publish the update.
Well, I just re-read it... and, guess what. Heffe was right. I didn't even understand what I was trying to say.
So I deleted that one, and I'm starting from scratch. Well, almost scratch. I kept the title. I can be so witty sometimes. ;)
So here's my reality.
I HATE the month of September. End of summer. Beginning of 70+ hour work weeks where I still don't feel prepared. End of free calendars. Beginning of school for Heffe. End of sleep. Beginning of big black baggy wrinkles under my eyes.
I'm especially depressed this September because wedding and honeymoon stuff are REALLY over. My and Heffe's combined calendars and to-do lists are completely overwhelming, and "making time" for anything other than those things on our calendars or to-do lists is just not going to happen. Not just highly unlikely. It is just about impossible without dropping the ball from one of the other plates we're spinning. It absolutely SUCKS that we're back to the place where we are crossing really big events off our lists and anxiously watching the clock until we need to leave and get back to our calendars and to-do lists.
I have really been feeling emotional lately. Not to sound completely cliche, but I am really feeling like no one is understanding what I'm saying or how I'm feeling...which is probably why Heffe saying he didn't understand my unpublished update (even though he was RIGHT) made me upset.
About a month ago, I posted the five things I am striving to do throughout the duration of this school year. It was really the five things I am striving to do in order to balance all aspects of my life. It seems that I've offended everyone in some way by trying to make sure I have my ducks in a row and I am taking care of myself. I hate feeling like I've let people down. I hate feeling like what I'm saying isn't being heard. It's like it my good intentions (mainly of taking care of myself first, so I can take care of others) have completely backfired right in my face, shouting, "Nice Try! You Failed!" and everything sucks. I'm a little tired of taking the high road continually, and I don't know what to do.
Enter #theoatmeal's The Blerch.
You suck, Blerch.
The Blerch is the personified running wall you hit around the second to last mile before the euphoric mile that pushes you into the Runner's High. However, since I can't manage to find the time or energy to create a workout routine substantial enough to find a running wall... The Blerch is standing in my freaking way all the freaking time.
So what am I going to do to get past The Blerch?
I'm going to rip its wings off, steal its stylin headband, and kick it out of my face.
We all have our demons and our saving graces.
My saving grace for now... watching this video, and remembering that sometimes, even Mary Poppins gets "cheeky." ;)
Until next time, Blerchful or Blerchless New World,
Cheers. :)
Aw Sciato! I can relate. But remember how fabulous you are and how much we all love and support you!