Hello, New World!
As Heffe and I finish up week 8 of marathon training, we have found ourselves in quite the Midwestern Winter conundrum. It's cold as sssshhhhh and snowy and all kinds of White Witch Narnia. We can't run outside without risking super clumsy behavior and/or debilitating injuries.
So. We get to train on treadmills! Yay!!!...
I didn't know what I was capable of as a HUMAN until I had to train for my first marathon on a treadmill. Sure. It's easy to walk or run a few miles here or there, especially to warm up for a workout. However, spending 2-4 hours on a treadmill is a COMPLETELY different story.
The first time I ran 6 miles was outside, and it flew by. The first time I ran 6 miles on a treadmill was torture. I've learned that during 60+minute treadmill runs, I NEED to get to a very very BLANK place in my own head... Somewhere between asleep and driving a long, quiet distance by myself... Oh, and I'm running the whole time, aka, trying to actually not fall off the machine, focusing on correct form, calm breathing, trying not to cramp, readjusting my clothing a million times because I sweat more indoors than out and my sports bra is leaving "vampire bites" on my rib cage, and wondering if those pains on my toes are blisters that will pop during the run or if I'll need to bust out a sewing needle to fix them after. If I can't get to this Blank Space... I'm stuck in the same place that wakes you up at 2:30am to ask you if you remember that time 3 weeks ago when you stuck your foot in your mouth, and wonder if your relationship with the cashier at Kroger will ever be the same.
Something that I've found helps me find this Blank Space is finding RIGHTEOUS tunes. Nike+ (that I used to use) referred to these songs as "Power Songs". My Nike+ coach would say, "Tap a Power Song to get you to the next milestone." Don't mind if I do.
Here are a few GEMS that are on every running list I've ever had. You are not allowed to judge or make fun of me for my choices. I'm sure whatever motivates you would not necessarily motivate me.
*The following list does NOT include some songs... Thank you for NOTHING iCloud. I need to re-upload:
-"Defying Gravity" and "No Good Deed" from the musical, Wicked
-"Immortality" and "When You Look At Me" by Celine
And... in no particular order...
Okay, confession. I did pick this Kanye song to be last. Music is the food of love! Play on, play on, PLAY ON. My eternal optimistic outlook hasn't let me down yet. My whole point is that even though my feet are gross, I have weird aches, and "vampire bites" on my rib cage... I have something no one can make fun of me for or take away from me... I have pride that today I am stronger than I was yesterday. Stronger mentally, stronger physically, stronger emotionally. It sucks for now, and hopefully the weather breaks soon so I can enjoy a few weeks of training before the race... But at least I know, that since I'm taking care of myself, it's not going to killing me. Some might think it's weird or even borderline masochistic... But I KNOW this is making me stronger.
What are your Power Songs? What helps you focus through a tough workout or long run?
We gotta help each other!
Cheers :)
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