Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Brotherly Love

Hello New World!

As I've mentioned in past posts... I have recently moved away from my family, and while it's been the best thing I've ever done, I miss them like crazy. That doesn't even cover it.

I have the best brothers in the world.

Here's our clan at my little brother Michael's wedding rehearsal  :)
Michael, Tony, Tony's wifey-poo Amanda, and ME:)

See those little munchkins (Drew, Alex and Aidan) at the bottom? They belong to Tony and Amanda. :) 
They have prompted this post.

 Drew had his tonsils taken out, and had EXTREME complications... he was released from the PICU 3 1/2 DAYS later. Surgeries to stop bleeding, blood transfusion, breathing tube for almost 3 days, adult-sized pain killers and sedatives, people constantly hounding him... Hims a WARRIOR.

While all this was going on, Alex and Aidan were at home with my parents, Nona and Papa. They didn't complain about being carted between their house and Nona and Papas, or once cry for their parents, or so much as misbehave for Nona and Papa... they were TROOPERS. (Plus... they are now OBSESSED with Heffe... Alex wouldn't let me push him on the swings at the playground because I can't do it like Jeff... whatever, sassy. Thanks a lot Uncle-but-not-our-uncle-yet-because-they-aren't-maaaaarrried- Jeff).  

#truepersonalities. Drew is the trickster. Alex is the crazy man, hahaha. and Aidan... I'm going to take off my big boy handsome sweater at Christmas, I don't care, look at how freaking cute I am, I do what I want, I'm going to be the mayor one day.

Obviously, Tony and Amanda went with Drew to the hospital... by ambulance. The next day, Michael took off work to be with Tony and Amanda. 
A-MA-ZING. He knew there was nothing he could do that would lessen the intensity of how Tony and Amanda were feeling... he just stayed there and sat and talked with them. Michael kept the rest of our family informed of Drew's progress... and gave a candid report of how Tony and Amanda were holding up.

Amanda... wow. She is incredible. Heffe and I got down there on Drew's third day in the PICU, and she was completely calm and... doing her taxes!!! What?!? She was able to make light conversation with us, and was laughing and seemingly comfortable... I'm not an idiot. Amanda had what they call the "duck effect." Even though under the water she was probably paddling like crazy just trying to tread... on the surface, she was cool and calm, and exactly what a frightened and confused Drew needed her to be. 
Strong. Smart. Woman.

Tony. Oh my God, Tony. I don't even know what to say. My big tough brother. He is absolutely.... wow. I can't even think of an adjective that describes him. Don't ask him to ever describe himself to you. He won't tell you how smart he is, or how considerate and compassion he is, or how he would give his left arm for his family, or how he is funny, or how he is driven, or how he finds time between work and the boys' soccer practices and LIFE to send me blogs he follows about watching my finances (... thank GOD Heffe is a CPA... girlfriend Sciato needs some help!), or how he motivates ME, or how he makes everyone accountable for what we do, or how he gives his family all he has and then some because he loves them. We are the stream, constantly moving and flowing and faltering... he is the rock. 

Go home today and tell your family how much you love them. Email them. Call them. Send them a card from the section at Target that's labeled, "blank inside."
After what happened with us this past week, plus the tragic events in Boston, on top of the ever-constant fear of what happened at Sandy Hook... 
Go home today and tell your family you love them. 

Until next time... 

this is me... being me. :)

Cheers to my clan and to yours. :)

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