Saturday, April 6, 2013

I'm an athlete! (slash how I lost all my toenails)

Hello new world!!!

After completing a 12 mile run this morning, I feel a bit compelled to share a little about my journey of becoming a "runner". :) 

Check me out!!!

So. My first experience with a half marathon. 

Enter 2008ish... decided on a whim to walk the Flying Pig Half Marathon with some coworkers. I didn't train (inner monologue of hello, I'm ONLY walking 13.1 miles... it's walking... I probably walk that far when I go shopping...) Girlfriend had no idea what she was doing. I wore ridiculously old and improperly fitting tennis shoes, and went for the experience and to be able to say, yes, I can 'do' a half marathon. Did I mention I was overserved at the Hofbrauhaus the night before? Sure, I can have 2 liters of heavy beer and walk 13.1 miles the next day. I mean, it's only walking.... 

Well. DUH. I was sorely mistaken. I emphasize SORE. I had blisters on my feet that had blisters that were bleeding for 12.9 miles. I was so grossly dehydrated. My legs were sore for about a week. I didn't train!!! What a disaster. Hot Mess Sciato was born. (well, probably rebirthed, but who's really keeping track!)

So. With some motivation from my friends who had started running, with the whole dating a runner (have I not told you, new world, that Heffe is a ROCK STAR and has run 4 marathons?! :) crazy man!), plus hitting my all-time high weight (not having dance practice 4-5 days a week when college ended didn't stop me from eating like CRAP and overserving myself like a fish...)... I began my running career after my 25th birthday.

I decided to do the Flying Pig Half up real nice. I was actually going to run it. WOO! So I started training. I use that word loosely. "Training." I think the farthest I ran was probably 9 miles. Everyone I talked to told me that adrenaline was going to kick in with the other runners and spectators and it would be easy to run the rest. As if I hadn't learned my lesson the first time around.

If any of you out there have never heard of the Flying Pig and are runners, serious or socially... this is THE race for you. It's in Cincinnati, and it's like nothing else I've ever experienced. The course (for the half, at least) is amazing, and I LOVE the hills. :) I'm a lot biased, but if you are up for the fun challenge, I highly recommend it!

I digress... :) 

So my first RUNNING half marathon in 2010 wasn't a complete disaster... I finished in 2 hours and 35 minutes. Not completely unfortunate for my "training". I wasn't prepared for the hills, and walked for a few chunks of time, but I did it. :) In the RAIN! :) I was sore for a few days, but it wasn't nearly as bad as the first time around.

I wanted more. :) 

So, I decided to run another half in October of 2010. This time, I was actually going to train. :)

I convinced one of my besties, Meesie, to run with me. We did a lot of runs together, and pulled each other through. It was a totally, 100% BETTER experience than trying to run it by myself. After all, I'm still a running newbie at this point!! And Meesie is a supah star, so we had some fun times :)

We did the race, and I finished in 2 hours and 9 minutes. I cut 26 minutes off my time!!! We had lots of crazies chasing us around the course... Heffe, Meesie's hubby, Heffe's sister Aileen, another one of my besties Amy and her fiance'... it was great motivation to just keep truckin along! I felt amazing after the race... even had the energy to go to brunch with all our entourage after the race :)

Look at me go!!

I wanted more. :) 

So... involuntarily, I took 2011 off.... I was planning on running my first full marathon... The Flying Pig (duh!). I used an actual training schedule (Thank GOD for Hal Higdon) and ran more than I ever thought was possible. Then... I got into a car accident. SO not my fault, but none the less... slipped disc in my lower neck/upper spine, and MAJOR the point where it STILL hurts to this day, and I can't sleep on my right side. (This isn't a sob story, PS, keep reading :)) 

SO. I went through a ton of PT and endless rehab doc appointments..... It was ROUGH. Running hurt. Walking hurt. Sleeping hurt. 
Lesson to all readers... PUT DOWN YOUR CELL PHONES AND DRIVE. 

After what seemed like FOREVER, I finally got the go ahead to start running again. I could barely make it through 2 miles. Slowly but surely, I got back to it! 

Here's Heffe and Me at a 5K... Mosey and RyGuy ran with us, too!!!

So. I'm back in the game... with a MISSION: Full. Marathon.

SO. Heffe and I decided to run the Cleveland Marathon. Did the 18 weeks of training... while doing long distance dating. We always rewarded ourselves with ridiculously overpriced meals... usually some sort of seafood and pasta... and countless bottles of wine. :) 


May 20, 2012- Race Day!

It was a nice and pleasant 86 DEGREES in Cleveland.... neither one of us were prepared for the heat. I know, dedicated athletes say "no excuses"... Please. The heat was an excuse. A pretty freaking valid one, at that. We ran slow and took lots of water and walking breaks, but we finished!!! Took us 4 hours and 57 minutes... but man, it was an accomplishment. :) :) :)

Well, heh heh heh, now that I'm a "seasoned" runner, bahahaha still cracks me up to say that, I have set higher goals for myself. 

1. Fast Half Marathon May 4, 2013.
2. PR at my NEXT FULL MARATHON, October 20, 2013... registered last weekend!!!!

SO. Thanks for sticking with my entire running-life story... I know this was a REEEEEALLY  long post, but it's a really important part of my life! 

Running has taught me so many things:
1. Determination
2. Strength of mind (as in, the ridiculous mind games one needs to play in order to make it through 26.2 miles...)
3. Strength of heart
4. Don't run in cotton socks
5. Plan ahead
6. How to pop blisters under your toenails.
7. How to paint your your TOES when all your nails fall off
8. I can do anything I put my mind to.

I challenge YOU to push yourself mentally and physically. Embrace life. Do something that you don't think you can. If you want it bad enough... you can do it. I promise. :)

Until next time.... This is me. Bein me. 

Cheers. :) 

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