Sunday, January 26, 2014

Hear Me Roar!

Hello, New World!

I'd like to share 4 things I did this weekend, and let you know why I did them for MYSELF.

1. Cleaned the house.

2. Prepped food for the week. 

3. Watched an entire season of Scrubs and avoided school work. 

4. I did my own taxes.

I think I need to give you some background.

I am ambitious. I enjoy learning new things. I have really high expectations for myself. I believe that it is important for all people to have personal goals. I find myself challenged and motivated professionally because I am surrounded by strong and smart women.
One of my students wore this shirt last week, and I almost cried.

Yes. My name is Anissa...and I'm a feminist. 

I love being the "girly" girl, and playing dress up, but I also really love doing a really REALLY degrading workout, I love shopping, I love taking professional development, I love when Heffe does things to sweep me off my feet, I love that my blog is polka dots and pink, I wear make up and perfume every day, I love getting manis and pedis, I love playing in the dirt with my nephews, I'm excited to be a mother some day down the road... but that's how I perceive feminism. I am a woman. I get to do these things. I get to be an athlete, I get to be all dolled up, I get to be a mother, I get to be a successful professional. 

Women, we have so many privileges. Men have their own, too, I just can't speak to them. :) 
No matter what our ultimate vision... all humans have the opportunity and DESERVE the opportunity for their wildest hopes and dreams to come true.

Wowza! Let me get back to my original point. Okay. 

1. I cleaned the house. I like to clean... but Heffe is definitely the neat freak in our house. I try to keep my crap somewhat contained to "my" area in le office, "my" sink, "my" counter space, "my" side of the closet... but usually, it will eventually skeeve me out and I need to clean it up. But. I had a realization today. I felt so overwhelmed with pride in our home when I was cleaning... I realized I owe it to myself (not just to Heffe and our future family) to keep this home nice, clean, and to do little things to improve it daily. 
I deserve this beautiful home!

2. I (and Heffe) prepped food for the week. I have been having the most bizarre stomach/health issues as of late, and some days it's easier to deal with than others. 2 weeks ago, we prepped food, and those good decisions begot more good decisions. I ran 16 miles that week, and hit the gym every day. I cut out the booze, my stomach issues were virtually gone, and I slept like a baby. Last week was... not so successful. I feel like crap, haven't been sleeping, and didn't work out once. All the hard work from the week before was wasted. 
I am changing my fate for this week, and vowing to make good, healthful choices.
I deserve to feel good!

3. I watched an entire season of Scrubs and avoided schoolwork. The schoolwork will still be there tomorrow. So will our DVDs of Scrubs... but I'm telling you what, New World. I don't feel selfish one single bit. 
I deserve to recharge my batteries and laugh mindlessly every once in awhile!

4. I did my own taxes. Successfully! I didn't need my dad's help, my brothers' help, or Heffe's CPA help... I did them all by myself. BY MYSELF. :)
I deserve to be a self-sufficient human!

Now, New World, before you go and call me a big selfish b for writing this post, and before you think of this...
Let me remind you that her Lasso of Truth will set us free... 
And tomorrow when I regret not doing my school stuff, I'm going to take this attitude...

Because I, every woman, every man, every human...even if it's not every day... even if it's only FOR a day...
every human deserves to feel happy with their choices and proud of their life.

Until next time, New World...

This is me, bein me. :) 

Cheers. :)


  1. My two favorite ladies there at the end! I am taking my Rosie the Riveter mug to my new job today, in honor of all of us! Excellent post to get me jazzed up this morning. Thank you!

    1. Mer!!! I'm so excited for you- have a great first day!!!! Can't wait to hear about it!! :)

  2. I am a feminist too, which I used to feel like I had to defend my stance. I don't and being a feminist is a damn good thing! There's so much about this entry that makes me so happy and proud to have you as a sister! Hope you have a wonderful week!

    1. Mosey, YOU inspire me so much!!!! :) Have a good week- keep yourself and Itty Bitty warm and toasty!!! :)
