Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Dog Days of...Winter!

Hello, New World!

Ugh. Here we are. In the midst of a Midwestern winter weather apocalypse. Being that it's only mid-February, Ohio is DEF not finished with winter, regardless of anything that disgusting creature (I mean groundhog) has to say about it. 

Our street has been plowed ONCE, and with the thick layers of ice and snow, it makes for less than ideal driving (think of the Old Fashioned Cars ride at amusement parks. If you go off the track, your car makes a hideous noise and jerks you around like a rag doll.) Combine those driving conditions with subzero ACTUAL temps, short daylight hours, and the continuous let down of the holiday season... Talk about zero motivation to do ANYTHING but stay in bed until April. 

So while it takes the mental strength of a million Sciatos to do mindless things like grocery shop or run to Target, things like going to Mass, the gym, and you know, work (even though we've had SEVEN calamity days so far) have needed a special type of mind game. 

This said mind game can only be played on Pinterest. I always start by looking for inspiration for... life. I begin browsing "Weddings," then immediately go back to a cynical, sarcastic genius since I hate burlap. So then I go to "Holidays and Events," where I promptly feel incompetent for not turning a single, normal Oreo cookie into Cinderella's pumpkin coach for a birthday party. So then I go to "humor," that usually ends up wasting about 15 minutes and making Heffe a little peeved that I laugh audibly and insist on showing him ALL the best pictures ;) So then, when I'm feeling especially desperate and needy, I go to "Quotes." I usually start out pretty skeptical- Shakespeare SO did not say stupid crap like, "I just want someone to speak into my ears." (Enter the "you don't say!" Nicholas Cage meme.) 

However. For once, I actually struck gold last night. Here are some gems that gave me the inspiration, motivation, and just general happiness to keep moving through these tough winter days:

How I feel about winter!!!


To remind myself that it IS worth it to go to the gym!!

I hope this is true for Jan, Feb, and probs March. 

For those fist-shaking moments at work!

I'm fo SHO not a teen, but seriously. MORE CHIPS!!!


I love the people I work with!!!

Is it hanger or wanger?! That's winter anger for those of you that didn't take that mental journey with me. 


Chins up, New World. God willing, we'll all make it to Spring. In June. ;) 

Until next time,

This is me...bein me. 

Cheers. :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVE these quotes! I still have a "box o' quotes" on my desk from you...I pull one or two out and look at them when things get rough. :)
