Hello, New World!
I'm taking a hint from Heffe and Mosey and giving you something in numbers- Mosey does these super fun "5 on Friday" posts... well, tonight, I'm doing 6 on Sunday. I don't even care if that is a thing. #idowhatiwant
Heffe and I got to spend some time together on Saturday!!! So. We went to Lowe's. Like a bunch of real adults.
Let's chew on that for a moment, shall we?? How did I suddenly become old?! How is it possible that this JBC-eating, dark beer-drinking, fiend is now eating HEALTHY groceries bought at Kroger and cooking and buying cheap wine by the case so she has the disposable income to decorate a HOUSE? How in the HELL am I closer to 30 than 20? When did all this happen?!!!!!!! I'm not ready!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Now, of course, I know that my life is WAY better than it was when I was 20, or even in my early 20s... or even in my MID20s... okay getting depressed again..... but in all seriousness, I wouldn't trade my Lowe's Saturdays with Heffe for a million late bar nights and wicked hangovers only to be cured by "beef" from fast food... Let's get back to the business at hand. :)
1. New Paint!
Okay, so we haven't actually bought this yet... but. This is the soon-to-be new color of our family room! We bought all kinds of samples in the past few weeks, and have been striping up our house. Now that this splotch is on our wall... we realize how disgusting the present color is... and need to move quickly. :) PS- this is called "Amber Waves." We knew it instantly... "it's a match!" (says the target lady!)
2. Heffe bought a tool.
Yeah right, like anyone would trust me with this!!! :) We have some major landscaping to do once the weather breaks... in August :-P We need to dig up some small, rotting trees... before they take over our neighbor's beautiful tree! We so don't want to be that house on the street!
3. Heffe bought another tool.
So now, we have 2 large garden shovels, 2 rakes, and 2 snow shovels. Plus our lawn mower, weed whacker, hedgers, and various other tools... Heffe and I are going to spend lots of QT doing yard work together this spring and summer!! I'm so excited to learn/do this with him!! :)
4. Ugh. New Grill Cover.
I don't know if it's an indication of the unpredictability of Ohio "winter" weather, or how busy we have been the past week... but during a wind advisory over night this week, our grill cover apparently blew off, and was no where to be found when we finally opened our blinds on Saturday morning for the first time since last weekend. Not so fun... but a necessary task of our life.
5. Ideas for new pillows/decor for our outdoor furniture.
We are SO lucky and forever grateful that our families gifted us so many things for our house. We'd like to give our chairs a little bit of a face-lift... but, I couldn't bring myself Heffe to actually buy these yet... we would have been too excited and brought out all our furniture about 3 months prematurely. BUT. Our deck is gonna rock our socks off this summer!!!
6. Corona Light and Kendall Jackson Chardonnay
No, you can't buy these at Lowe's... that I know of... danger, danger! Watch yourself! But these kept me going this weekend while I -still- wait in complete, excited, and restless anxiety for spring and summer!!! So many good things to look forward to... get this winter crap out of the way, and bring on the warmth and sunshine already!!!!
What are your 6 on Sunday? :) Did I just start something new? :)
Until next time, New World.
This is me, bein' anxious, pasty, cold, excited, vitamin D deficient, me. ;)
Cheers :)