Hello, New World!!
So I've mentioned that Heffe is getting his MBA. Besides the 2-4 nights a week he's at class, he has group meetings most weekends. Today was rough for Heffe- down on campus from 9-6:30. Barf!
So while he was there, I stayed at home and tried to conquer a to-do list.
Here's some of the highlights of my own Sunday Funday:)
Heck yes I booked us dinners for Part 1 of our honeymoon!! Destination: Disney World :):):) -sigh- :)
Le Target. AKA the blackhole of the suburban universe. More on this in a sec...
Lowes. I'm actually not afraid to go in the store anymore- successful trip will be described after the following rant brought to you by the devil himself... Target. ;)
So at Target, the two items on my list were a shower curtain liner and a mailing box for a WAY belated birthday present.
Here's that pic again in case you missed it.
Here's the loot, all set up and ready to rock:
Diploma Frames, or as my friend, Michael, referred to them, "certificates of excellence" so that no one can ever challenge my excellence, lol!!
Okay. So Lowe's. My dad is probably cringing...but I bet he's at least a little proud, too:)
I actually had everything I bought on the list!! Had to get a water filter for our fridge, and Heffe and I need some fire under our hineys to start painting. We decided to start with the master bedroom. So, Sciato took Mosey's advice, got some baby sample jars, put on my big girl pants, and slapped samples up on our walls...
Yes.. That's 4 walls in the same room. And yes... Heffe is still on campus, and has no idea what I've been up to:)
In addition to all that, before Heffe got home, I updated our wedding website (weddingwire.com/anissaandjeff in case you wanna take a peak!!!), did laundry, researched new internet bundles, shoveled the driveway, and got gas for hungry Marty.
Whew!!! Sciato is pooped!!! Heffe got home around 7, and reminded me for the billionth time why I'm so glad we're getting married: He let me talk, without much breathing, all about my day and all the things I'd done, and then took me to Bob Evan's!!! Perfect cap to the day:)
New World, what did you do today?! I'll check back on your responses tomorrow... Sciato needs some shut eye ;)
Until next time:)
This is me, bein me.
Manic Sundays are the best!!