Monday, December 8, 2014

Word up!

Hello, New World! 

I've been pretty bad about blogging lately. So. For your convenience:) here is a Pinterest story to catch you up on the last month or so...

Sciato has been trying REAL hard to do this lately!!...

...So I've started taking this approach!!...

... But some people don't get it, and then my sarcastic pants come back on...

... And the ones that didn't get the last one are also probably the ones love to put raisins in evvvvverything. You know who I'm talking about! But why!!!...

... Than be surrounded by downers and negativity... Or eat anything that tastes like raisins...

... SQUIRREL/shiny things/wine/funny memes... Whatever!...

... I had to ask 2 people via text message which color of brown boots to buy this weekend... 

... Or anyone with an attention deficit and inability to make decisions lol...

... But at least I can appreciate a good citation....

... And a children's book at that... This quote and lots of quality time spent remind me constantly that I really have the best husband, family,
and friends... 

... And back to the beginning... I'm really trying to act out of intention rather than habit...

... Yes, I intentionally signed up for 2 major races this spring... Eeeeeeeeek!!!!...

... Which will make training a bit difficult...

... So I'm ESPECIALLY thankful for a husband who understands the entirety of training for a marathon, and will hug me when I cry because I have to run instead of eating pizza and nugs...

:)... To eat pizza and nugs with me...

... But training does mean I get to eat like a kid at a carnival for 18 weeks...

... The anxiety of starting training over Christmas, and Clark Griswoldisms of the holiday season are REAL... Which is why Scary Sciato has put on positive pants and will be the jolliest ------- this side of the nut house... ;)

... Gotta remember this. I'm only one person...

... And this is all that REALLY matters...

... So I can suck it up for 10 more days until I can sleep for 2 weeks straight. :)

Until Christmas break, New World...

This is me. Bein me. 

Cheers. :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Good

Hello, New World!

So I have had some extra minutes to dive deep into my curriculum this week. It couldn't have come at a better time. 

We are currently studying government. 


hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Psych. I promise this will NOT be a specific rant on current politics. (As my loving husband has assured me, this is a rant on behavior, NOT politics.) 

Anywho, I love teaching this unit. It really makes me see the simpler side of politics and how cut and dry it all seems for children. It's unbelievable. Their ideals are so raw and their hearts are so unselfish and they really really want to help others. They giggle when I tell them that sometimes working for the common good is difficult for adults. Their world is so simple. Even though it makes me feel jaded and very cautious about choosing unbiased ways of explaining... It's such a refreshing unit.

Two instances today made me CRAVE that safe and protected environment of my classroom discussions.

1. Reading Facebook today has really upset me. It makes me feel so embarrassed for others and their decisions. True, I have posted some stupid things on Facebook, and some immature pictures on Instagram in the past, but I'm talking about people who are older than me and don't even know each other, but are arguing over whether the other person's political "news" post from Buzzfeed was accurate. These arguments always ended in cursing and personal slams, which we all know is the only way we find out the winner of pissing contests.

2. I overheard some gossip today that I shouldn't have. This  made me think. Well, it made me anxious at first, to be honest. I suck at secrets and I hate hurting others and even though I'm guilty of it, too... gossip only brings trouble. 
As I've mentioned in previous blogs lately, I've been doing lots of thinking of assumptions. In the end... my Mom is right. (Yes, Mom... you don't have to read it again. I actually said that you are right!!!!) When we assume things, whether that is the outcome of a situation, someone else's feelings or motives, have our own agenda or expectation, or even when we have an emotional knee-jerk reaction... we make an ASS out of U and ME. 

To get back to it...

None of us are perfect. We are going to do and say things that don't reflect our true intentions. We are going to make bad choices. It doesn't mean we are bad people. We will learn that there is a consequence for our behavior, and there will always be an equal and opposite reaction for every action we take.

Which actions are we willing to take? 

My hope is that we are all willing to take action to defend the good. 
Not the common-for-my-group good. Not the common-for-my-generation good. Not the common-to-let-everyone-know-I'm-right-because-I-can-yell-really-loud-and-walk-all-over-those-around-me-until-they-are-nothing-but-a-doormat-and-I-judge-the-crap-out-of-them-for-assuming-they-judge-me-so-I'm-going-to-react-out-of-fear-and-false-sense-of-power-to-try-and-make-everyone-feel-stupid-to-make-myself-feel-better good.
I mean the common-good-that-will-nurture-this-next-generation-into-a-cycle-of-respect-for-all-and-won't-make-my-tiny-lessons-of-civility-and-compassion-and-compromise-be-for-nothing. 

We all have something to learn from these incredibly GOOD children. 

Until next time... let's all try to find common ground and defend the good in this world.


Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Counting My B's

Hi, New World! It's been awhile. Here's a quick glimpse of the past couple months of my existence. In no particular order...

1. First quarter just ended at school. WHOA. 

2. Heffe and I went to see The Lion King! 

3. I have been babysitting twice a week. I absolutely love losing myself in kid land after NEEDING to be an adult in kid land... Plus, these kids are super cute. :):):)

4. I ran a 5k in October, and came in 30th place out of like a thousand. :)

5. I have rediscovered my love of the TV show, "Scrubs" on Netflix. Not that we don't have the DVDs... But Netflix is so much more convenient. ;)

6. Fall is birthday season for my family. Any excuse to eat cake and lots of food is good enough for me!!!!!

7. We finally got all our bedroom furniture delivered! And it's glorious!

8. We found out Matt the Miller has happy hour on Sunday nights. SUNDAY. NIGHTS. PEOPLE. 

9. I got some new Homage tshirts!

10. We finally transferred all 1,500+ wedding photos to our computers and external hard drive! 

11. I've been working at least one day (usually physically AT school) on the weekend. Pfffffft. 

12. I made a new running playlist, including new tunes! 

13. I made a wreath for our front door!

14. Heffe and I finally were able to spend some QT with our newest nephew/godson, Camden!  What a love!!!!

15. My PSR class had an All Saints Day parade this week- all my students dressed up like saints! Too cute!

16. I've decided to take time for ME and JUST ME and have been getting my nails done just about every week since school started. Whatever, it makes me happy!

17. I completely changed banks. Think about it and how much you have tied to your primary checking account. 'Nuff said. 

18. My class at school went on a field trip last week! Delaware City was so good to us!

19. Amanda and I threw a baby shower for our sister-in-law Chris!! She is due in a few short weeks!!! aahhhh!!!!:)

20. I painted one of our bathrooms all by myself!

21.  Janissa was honored to host our sister Aileen for an entire weekend!! 

22. We bought Twix for trick or treaters. They obviously had no chance at survival, and we needed to buy a second... and then third bag of chocolatey candy. 

23. I'm going to sign up for the Flying Pig Marathon. Eeeeeeeeeeee!

24. Online shopping is still just too much fun!

25. I have been to the dentist, doctor (twice), lens crafters, and have another appointment scheduled next week... In the past 2 months. I feel geriatric!

26. I have taught all 25 of my students how to appropriately use school-associated social media. 

27. Most Thursdays evenings are reserved for happy hours and/or catch ups. Most have been a combination of both with great friends. I am blessed. 

28. I'm channeling my inner-suppressed-collegiate Sciato and putting off the tedious work for a professional development class on new progress monitoring/report card methods. 

29. Despite it all, we have been to mass more than not since we've been married. 

30. Cheesy ending- I turned 30. Wwwwwhhhhhhat????

New World, how do you measure your life? These are some of the little moments that mean a lot... Not even close to everything that's impacted my life... But it's where I am. 

Until more elaboration of some said events, I challenge you to measure and fill your time, and count your b's... As a wonderful God-sent song reminded me this morning (I paraphrase), at all times, especially times of crisis... "I hold tight to what I know"... And Count your Blessings more than your Burdens. :)


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ten on a Tuesday

Hello, New World!

Just a few scattered thoughts for you on this rainy and chilly fall evening... Yes, I'm holding onto autumn even though Ohio is violently throwing it out the window like burnt cookies. 

aaaaaaaaaand that's number 1. aaaaah, Xavier. I miss you! I miss seeing my friends so often!!! Autumn always reminds me of how beautiful XU's campus looks in the fall. Even though we all did stupid things at one time or another (hence my burnt flaming cookies out the window)... we all had the best freaking time. xoxavier

2. Jason's Deli makes amazing chicken salad. It's very light, and it has pineapples and aaaalmonds in it. Refreshing and doesn't make me feel badly for eating fast food after a quick trip to the gym!

3. Today was a new shoe day. Thanks, DSW! Well, I should be thanking myself- my rewards for shopping there too much bought me my new kicks, that did NOT make my feet hurt! win-win!

4. I'm wearing my Christmas fleece with snowflakes on it. Yes, I'm still hanging on to fall, but I'm a realist- it's Ohio, and the 10 day forecast is completely unreliable.

5. My "new" laptop is great... but the keyboard BLOWS. I have had it for almost a year now, and still can't seem to hit the space bar hard enough or at the right angle. And then I have to go back every few seconds and try harder. Irritating! Next laptop- I'll definitely try some typing out to be sure it fits my keyboarding style. #thingsithoughtidneversay #thisunusablespacebarmakesforeasyhashtags

6. Tomorrow is health screenings for my students. I'm SO relieved it's not for me. Like I need one more thing to induce panic attacks about my health- at work, no less!

8. My students and I finished our read aloud today. We have been reading Rump by Liesl Shurtliff. I really thought some of my students were going to cry when it was over. It has truly been a magical journey, and I cannot say enough times how much I have loved reading this book. If you have students in grades 3-5, or are a teacher... please do yourself a favor and look into it.

9. I actually got up this morning when I should have, and ya  know what? I was less tired throughout the day than when I snooze for an hour or so. Even if I did do an abominable parking job in the dark when I got to school. Turns out- all those articles I've read on sleep studies actually might be true!

10. We opened our Halloween candy. Yikes. Bad Janissa!!!!

Callin it a day, New World! What random happenings have plagued your thoughts today? :) 

Until next time...

Cheers :) 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

A Spoon Full of Sugar... helps the reality go down!

Hello, New World. (notice the no exclamation point. #elainebenes)

On Sunday, I tried to post an update to my blog. I usually give Heffe a sneak peak and do a read aloud of my updates before I publish. This particular update was all over the place, to the point where Heffe said, "I don't understand what you're trying to say."
At first, I was crushed. How could HE of all people not get me?! So, I decided to just save the post, to maybe revisit later, and not actually publish the update.

Well, I just re-read it... and, guess what. Heffe was right. I didn't even understand what I was trying to say. 

So I deleted that one, and I'm starting from scratch. Well, almost scratch. I kept the title. I can be so witty sometimes. ;) 

So here's my reality. 

I HATE the month of September. End of summer. Beginning of 70+ hour work weeks where I still don't feel prepared. End of free calendars. Beginning of school for Heffe. End of sleep. Beginning of big black baggy wrinkles under my eyes.

I'm especially depressed this September because wedding and honeymoon stuff are REALLY over. My and Heffe's combined calendars and to-do lists are completely overwhelming, and "making time" for anything other than those things on our calendars or to-do lists is just not going to happen. Not just highly unlikely. It is just about impossible without dropping the ball from one of the other plates we're spinning. It absolutely SUCKS that we're back to the place where we are crossing really big events off our lists and anxiously watching the clock until we need to leave and get back to our calendars and to-do lists.

I have really been feeling emotional lately. Not to sound completely cliche, but I am really feeling like no one is understanding what I'm saying or how I'm feeling...which is probably why Heffe saying he didn't understand my unpublished update (even though he was RIGHT) made me upset. 

About a month ago, I posted the five things I am striving to do throughout the duration of this school year. It was really the five things I am striving to do in order to balance all aspects of my life. It seems that I've offended everyone in some way by trying to make sure I have my ducks in a row and I am taking care of myself. I hate feeling like I've let people down. I hate feeling like what I'm saying isn't being heard. It's like it my good intentions (mainly of taking care of myself first, so I can take care of others) have completely backfired right in my face, shouting, "Nice Try! You Failed!" and everything sucks. I'm a little tired of taking the high road continually, and I don't know what to do.

Enter #theoatmeal's The Blerch.

You suck, Blerch.

The Blerch is the personified running wall you hit around the second to last mile before the euphoric mile that pushes you into the Runner's High. However, since I can't manage to find the time or energy to create a workout routine substantial enough to find a running wall... The Blerch is standing in my freaking way all the freaking time.

So what am I going to do to get past The Blerch? 

I'm going to rip its wings off, steal its stylin headband, and kick it out of my face.

We all have our demons and our saving graces. 

My saving grace for now... watching this video, and remembering that sometimes, even Mary Poppins gets "cheeky." ;) 

Until next time, Blerchful or Blerchless New World,

Cheers. :) 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Musical Schizophrenia

Hello, New World!

Thought for my daily dose of GOOD this week, I'd tap out by taking a page out of Heffe's Blog and do a little musical count down for you!

Background story for my musical journey...

 This weekend, I traveled to Cincinnati for my sister-in-law's Baby Shower. Chris and Michael got TONS of amazing gifts, well wishes, and personal time and memories turned gifts. I am so blessed to be an aunt AGAIN!!!! Hurry up, Baby, we want to meet you!!!! Just not so hurried... finish baking first ;)
Heffe and I have coined the I-71 corridor between Cincinnati and Columbus as the "Come to Jesus (CTJ)  Highway." Whether its music, our own thoughts, or every Christian rock station in between, at least one of us ends up leaving the highway with a profound epiphany of some sort. 

Friday night's drive begun my musical inspiration. Here are the highlights...

1. "Hand In My Pocket" by Alanis Morissette. Have you ever even HEARD the lyrics to that song? It has CTJ written all over it. 
2. "That's the Way It Is" by Celine. Again, CTJ central. This song is also on my running play list. I hear, "Yes, those are hills, and you've got to push through, and that's the way it is!"
3. "Put On" by Young Jeezy ft. Kanye West. This song makes me feel pretty freaking righteous. Also on my running playlist. 
Then I put on the "Frozen" cd soundtrack and just lost my mind before I got to my parents' house.

Saturday, as Amanda and I were prepping for Chris's shower, I was playing my NSYNC Pandora station. If you don't have this station, and are a fan of ... perfection ... you need to create it immediately. IMMEDIATELY. Hightlights include...
1. "Tearin Up My Heart" by NSYNC. Duh. I stopped cooking and did the dance. Whatever.
2. "The Call" by the Backstreet Boys. This song was more on the tail end of BSB, and truth be told, I completely forgot about it until I heard it. Good one! Great beat. I've included the video so Amanda can remember what this song is ;) 
3. "Liquid Dreams" by OTown. Yes. I've seen OTown multiple times in concert, and have even done the bungee rip cord thingy at Kings Island in order to see their sound check. Sue me. 
4. "Oops I Did It Again" by Britney Spears. Who DIDN'T just remember her in her red leather jumpsuit?! Please and thank you, TRL.
5. "He Loves You Not" by Dream. I may or may not have this single. 
6. "Lady Marmalade" by Pink, Mya, Lil Kim, Missy Elliot, and Christina Aguilera, from the "Moulin Rouge" soundtrack. Still a top 10 album of ALL TIME for me. Brought back junior year of high school in 3 hot seconds!
7. "Drive Myself Crazy" by NSYNC. Just like the iconic Britney video... who did NOT picture a dreadlocked Chris Kirkpatrick in a straight jacket looking extra creepy!? 
8. "Bye Bye Bye" by NSYNC. Again... iconic video. PUPPETS PEOPLE.
Needless to say... this started Chris's Shower Day on a REALLY GOOD note. 

Sunday's drive home really brought it back. I had some repeats from Friday, but my iTunes still delivered...
1. "Christmas Can-Can" by Straight No Chaser. #imoneofthosepeoplewhodreamsofchristmasbeforehalloween
2. "Lose Control" by Missy Elliot. Stuck that cruise control on, and danced my buckled up ass off!
2. "Defying Gravity" Idina Menzel and Kristin Chenowith from "Wicked." Again, this song has CTJ written ALLLLLLL over it. Righteous Sciato is back. 
3. "Look At Me Now" by Chris Brown ft. Busta Rhymes, Lil Wayne, "If you got eyes look at me now, BITTTTTCH" Righ-teous.
4. "The Prayer" by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. This song means about a million things to me. Heffe's sister Carolyn sang this for us on our wedding day... yes. She sang it. By herself. A DUET DONE SOLO. Nothing short of extraordinary. So I was thinking of our wedding day. 
This was a big baby weekend, so I was a little overwhelmed with the, "aren't you next?" questions and love for my current nephews and baby Chrichael on the way (Chris and Michael=Chrichael, much like Jeff and Anissa=Janissa). I couldn't help but pray this song for all the sweet little baaaaaaaaabies who are already in my life. 
Hello. Again. CTJ. 

Maybe I need new tunes. Maybe one of my schizo sides understands that I need a little variety and spice to my life. Maybe it is divine intervention that I have some of these songs in my repertoire. Anyway you slice it, it's all good tunes for me. And that is my happy place today. 

Until next time, 

Jam on, New World!

Cheers :) 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Happy HMAC Thursday!

Hello, New World!

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I feel it is only necessary to begin tonight's blog with that quote. It's summer. It's fall. It's humid. It's windy. I don't look pretty. 

Newsflash, New World. 

HMAC is back!

For those that don't know, HMAC is the name I get when my not-so-alter-ego-as-of-late takes over and I become "impotent and out of control" like Cher from Clueless. Hot Mess Anissa Casciato can only come out in true bursts of emotion, genius and/or crazy. I feel sorry for the people I came into contact with today. Scratch that. I'm LAUGHING WITH the people I came into contact with today... as we all laugh AT me. HMAC. 

My goodness for today comes from my ability to sit back and honestly laugh at myself. It's been awhile since I've been able to do that without immediately bursting into uncontrollable sobs. Give me some props, New World!

1. During school, we had a team meeting that was being taped for the staff. I could SERIOUSLY not get a word out without stuttering and losing my cool, and when I couldn't find the words to speak, my larger than life 14 year old girl acne was there to stand up for me... large and in charge of my face. 

2. I literally FORGOT I had a sub coming in my room today so I could do reading testing. I felt like a FREAK when I tried to explain my lesson plans to her. Granted, I bet she's seen worse than me subbing for districts all over... but I still felt pretty scattered after thinking of our interactions today.

3. I totally pissed my pants and forgot who I was today at work... clearly... on top of 1 and 2, I was forgetting passwords, could BARELY carry on conversations with my colleagues... Only explanation- HMAC.

4. For the second night in a row, had to change my numbering as I'm typing this blog because I apparently can't count past 3. 

5. I was running a million errands today after work, including "running into" Target. One cannot simply "run into Target". I went in for 1 THING. Came out with a dress (that actually made me look like a hot mess when I got home and tried it on), a tshirt, and make up remover. While in my frenzied "run" throughout Target, I excused myself from a Target employee to reach and grab the tshirt. When I came back through the shirt section on my way out of the dress section, the said Target employee asked me if I had lost my phone. I immediately panicked. Leaving my phone in undisclosed locations is a top fear for me. I looked in my purse, and sure enough, in my Target/Mad Hatter's Tea Party for one, I had left my phone somewhere, and this woman was kind enough to pick it up, recognize me, and pick up the pieces of my Hot Mess.  Nothing short of a miracle here, people!!!

6. One of my other errands tonight was to FedEx to do some printing. I brought my flash drive, waited for about 20 minutes while someone printed what looked like band flyers, while other customers were making awkward small talk with each other, while I perused Instagram (since I had not yet lost the stupid phone that holds the keys to my life)... finally, I had all my copies, and left. I then continued to run errands, and at the end, since FedEx is open the latest, went back to use their industrial paper cutter. I cut what I needed to, and then went home. Finally!!!! Not. I looked at my computer on the kitchen table where I had left it, and immediately realized I had left my flash drive at FedEx about 3 hours ago... and then 10  minutes ago since I was back again. Frick. Double Frick. I dropped ALL my bags, and got back into my car. Thankfully, FedEx is pretty close to home. When I got there, for the THIRD TIME TODAY, my flashdrive was in tact, but now I'm currently panicking and will be checking all of its contents promptly after I publish this post. 

Sheesh. I'm a DISASTER sometimes!!!!! LOL Can't make this stuff up, New World. Can't make it up. :) 

When Heffe finally got home tonight, he had brought with him this: 

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Yes. Flowers, champagne, and Taco Bell. Tomorrow is our 2 month anniversary ;) #enoughwiththeromance :) :) :) :) #cantstopwontstop 

"I love this crazy, tragic, almost magic, awful, beautiful life.." 

Until next time:)

With my glass raised to Murphy's Law

 Cheers. :) 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wino Wednesday- what's NOT good about that!?

Hello, New World!

I got a Sciato sized glass of wine on this lovely fall-like Wednesday evening as I reflect on the Goodness of the day. 

Aaaaaaah. :) 

1. I got to go shopping today! I am co-hosting (with the one, the only, the multi-tasking GENIUS, my sister-in-law Amanda) a baby shower for our sister-in-law, Chris, this weekend, and I am putting the finishing touches on the party :) Having lived in Columbus for the better part of my life, I REMEMBER when our iconic mall scene was constructed. (At this point, I feel it necessary to pay proper respect to the mall we all knew too well, and where I still find myself roaming around in my dreams about occasionally, Northland Mall. RIP, good friend. I will never forget shopping at Structure with my big brother, stalking American Eagle, and going to Lazarus with my mama! Oh, the memories...) Digression over. Columbus shopping. My brother, Tony, worked for the construction company that built Tuttle Mall, I worked at Aeropostale and opened the store at Easton, and I remember hanging out with my friends everywhere at Polaris in high school- long before it was an epicenter. Since moving away and then moving back and to the burbs at that... I have REALLY lost touch with every mall except Polaris. Tonight I went to Easton. Every time I go there, I fall further and further in love with it. Yes, I said it. I. LOVE. EASTON. I went there for one store , and ended up roaming around like a creep (only got lost once, though!), and it was amazing. Lots of happy alone time for Sciato!!!

2. Even though I had Wendy's for the second time for dinner this week (which was ALSO a good thing- yes, this one is a two-fer!!!), I made pasta for lunch tomorrow and Friday. I am BEYOND sick of sad-sack salads, and just can't reconcile with buying school lunches when they are made of things that give me the runs. #evenrectanglepizzaisntworthit 
Needless to say, I'm WAY excited for my gluten-free pasta and homemade sauce tomorrow ;) 

3. I watched the photo-slideshow-video our amazing wedding photographer made for us. #JeanneArkfeldPhotography   
Our wedding day flew by so freaking fast, and Jeanne and her daughter, Carly, captured EVERY moment I seemed to have whizzed through... and it makes my heart happy to "re-remember" those lost memories. :) 

4. Well, duh. It's Wino Wednesday at Casa di Janissa. Tonight we've selected a delightful Pinot Noir. I need a refill. :P

Until tomorrow, New World, 

Life is still pretty good. :) 

Cheers. :) 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Terrific Tuesday!

Hello, New World!

Since it's been a long one, and since I've been working since I got home, and since it's already after 11, I'll cut to the chase. :) Here's today's glimpse of goodness for ya...

1. I had a Secret Admirer in my class. I had notes left all last week, and this week so far I've received 4 coasters/pot holders and a necklace that were all HAND MADE. I found out who the student was yesterday, and I can't even tell you how sweet and memorable and blessed I feel. It's sometimes easy to cast away the pictures, notes, and general indoor recess gifts of "I made this macaroni necklace for you, except it's not a macaroni necklace because I only had boogers to smear around on the back of my homework that I didn't do and it's just for you and I worked so hard" trinkets. Having this Secret Admirer immediately brought me back to 3rd grade, and made me remember how important all the little things like this are, and hopefully, this sweet Secret Admirer of mine will remember the expression on my face when I figured out their true identity, and how thankful I am for each and every one of the gifts I have been given- most of all, for having that student in my class.

2. I got to hang out with 2 amazing kids all afternoon today. Yes, it's a babysitting job. Yes, I was beat after a long day at school. Yes, seeing Heffe at 9pm was the first time since about lunch when I had complete adult-only interaction. The family I babysit for is truly one-of-a-kind, and I am so blessed to have become a part of their lives.

3. Heffe had dinner waiting for me when I got home tonight. BLTs, salad, and even Dove ice cream bars for dessert, and a little vino night cap. This is his only week night free... he worked out, ran his errands, organized his life, packed OUR lunches, set up coffee for tomorrow morning, cooked dinner for us, AND had a smile on his face when I came in the door looking like a crusty mess. Didn't criticize me for not wanting to work out. Didn't ask questions when I said I had to stay up and do work. LET me have the last glass of good wine (until we opened the cheaper bottle). New World, my husband is better than yours. ;) 

Until tomorrow, 

Life is still pretty good. :) 

Cheers :)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Good Monday to ME!!!!

Hello, New World!

Okay, Day 1 of my Good Day challenge... I was a little worried about finding-the-good-in-today because Mondays are, well, Mondays. I knew I'd be eating at least one meal in my car today, and was hoping I'd get the chance to take an actual lunch break today. I just got home about an hour ago. 

So I started out the day hoping to find one, JUST ONE shining thing about the day to keep me sane... but I didn't... so here's the MILLION things that were GOOD in my world today...

1. I heard "Footloose" and "Two Princes" on the radio this morning. I DARE you to NOT find the good  in a TRAFFIC JAM BECAUSE GEESE WERE IN THE ROAD after hearing either of those. Thank you, Rewind 104.3!!! You turned my world around at 7:50am.

2. I had a new coffee mug this morning- thanks for the VS swag, Heffe!

3. I took my whole class to the computer lab...hold your breath... on a Monday morning... at 9:30am... and we ALL were able to use Schoology. If you don't know Schoology, New World, it is basically Facebook for school. I post "Discussions" or "Videos", and students can comment back. Then they can "like" each others' comments, "reply" to each other... it's pretty much amazing. What's even MORE amazing is that I didn't lose my sh-t and my students were really really good and patient.

4. When I was doing the said read aloud later in the day, (teacher friends- we are doing a Fairy Tale unit, and my read aloud is an adaptation of Rumpelstiltskin called Rump and it's phenomenal) and we came to the end of the chapter, my kids all went, "awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!" Warms my heart every time.

5. A sweet sweet sweet former student of mine brought me peanut butter brownie heaven bars, and one of my teammates brought me a mini-loaf of zucchini bread. Both were completely unprompted gifts. #spoiledsciato

6. Tonight was the first PSR class of the year. I have been teaching PSR at my church for 3 years now, and it is one of the best things I have done since moving back to Cbus. The first graders in my class this year are SO precious, and when I heard their little voices pray... it is just the most amazing thing in the world. I obviously cried. Twice.

7. My brother Tony sent pictures of my nephew Aidan on his first day of Preschool, and my sister-in-law Maureen sent pictures of my newest nephew Camden in a onesie Uncle Heffe and I bought for him. It's just THE BEST to see these pictures all the time, and even though it breaks my heart that we can't see our nephews as often as we used to, or even close to as  much as we'd like to, these pictures still make me feel super connected to them, and make me fall in love with them all over again every time I see them!

What a great start to my week, New World! Maybe this whole looking-for-the-good-in-every-day thing will last beyond a tiresome Monday ;) 

Until next time, I mean tomorrow, 

This is me. Bein me. 

And for now...Life is GOOD. 

Cheers. :)

Sunday, September 7, 2014

"It's going to be a good week" Week

Hello, New World!

After last week, quite possibly the lowest point on my record since waaaay before the wedding, I need a serious pick me up and/or attitude adjustment. 

Disclaimer: My entire blog is NOT meant to be a Sciato self-loathing pity party. I write when I need to find clarity or need to free just a little part of my self. I also write when I am so consumed with joy that I can't contain it.  I write for many reasons... Number one is always because it makes me feel like things are right in my small corner of the world.... Hence my blog's name- both an evaluation and a reflection of the past and a little prescriptive of my future plan for myself. You have read enough of my posts to know me a little bit by now. Stick with me, and take it for what it's worth, New World! 

As Heffe and I were brushing our teeth and washing our faces and taking our allergy meds... I mean getting ready for bed tonight, we kept saying, "It's going to be a good week. Why? Because we are going make it so." 

So, New World, I'm going to blog everyday this week about something good. I'm posting this to make you make me accountable. Haha! Didn't know you'd have homework, did ya, New World!? 

Class is in session. 

Today, my day was good because I got to take a nap. An hour long, uninterrupted, no work, no technology, complete abandonment of life, good old fashioned nap, snuggled up close to my husband. It was perfection. :)

Stay tuned, New World. "It's going to be a good week." :)


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Happy New (school) Year!

Hello, New World! I come to you with Day 1 of the 2014-2015 school year under my belt, and with a fresh and positive outlook!!

Last year was a tough year- it was essentially the third grade level I'd taught in three years, and you know me- creature of habit! I felt down, angry, and almost burnt out at times. Not a happy Sciato! So, not to say that there won't be challenges this year, because there always will be, but I've decided to change my perspective. It's the one thing I can always control! ;)

So. I just want to take a quick minute to share my New School Year Resolutions with you, and you need to hold me accountable. :)

1. Stay focused, organized, and prepared. Heffe has taught me this one! We lose so much time and energy while focused on things that don't matter- I'm going to try to think hard and analyze the situation or task at hand before I act, so that I'm maximizing my productivity and ultimately, my sanity. Being "prepared" can and will sometimes just mean to be prepared to be flexible, and to embrace the chaos. :)
2. Take brain breaks! We need them just as much as our students!!! My hurdle- taking 30 minutes to leave work in the classroom, and eat my lunch in peace. 
3. Realize MY time is valuable, too. This is going to be the HARDEST for me. It means saying no, or asking to schedule time to discuss fillintheblank instead of me having to stop what I'm doing to discuss it, or simply asking for help. My time (aka, my personal, outside of school time that I would normally take up to recover from said interruptions, as completely necessary as those interruptions usually are..time is never on the side of a teacher..) MY time is valuable, too. 
4. Let it gooooooo.... Yes, I'm taking a lesson from Frozen. I'm going to try to take more things in stride, I'm going to try to not get frustrated by things I can't control, and if all else fails, I'll piss off my hallway-mates and actually sing, "Let it go!" :)
5. I'm going to be happy. There. I said it. I became a teacher for so many reasons... And not one of them has to do with workplace social politics or standardized tests. One of the top reasons I became a teacher is because I love being around children. They are so completely naive to most of the nonesense that is going on around them. They say the FUNNIEST things- even when they are tying to be serious. They make me laugh, cry, and FEEL. They make me remember what kind of person I want to be, and at the end of the day, I really do still think I can make an impact on their lives, even for just one minute of one hour of one day.

Hold me accountable, New World. It's all downhill from here. :)

Until next time, 

This is me, bein me. 

Cheers. :)

Friday, August 8, 2014


New World, I come to you in a glass case of emotion. 

Heffe and I have been enjoying MARRIED LIFE for the past 27 days. (Wedding post will happen, be patient people ;)) We enjoyed a fabulous and extravagant honeymoon together, and are now trying to settle back into real life. 

Real. Life. What is that? 

The life of a teacher comes with certain perks that I am ALL about. #1 is and will always be summer break. I spent the better half of summer wedding planning and organizing final details of our big day... after about 10am when I finally finished my 3rd cup of coffee and decided I should be a productive citizen. This is the first summer since I can remember (literally... maybe since I was 15) that I haven't worked or tutored and I decided to soak up every freaking minute. Starting your day at the crack of 8:30 with a balanced, unrushed breakfast, and coffee in an actual coffee mug (not a travel mug and not in tow on the way to an 8:20 meeting) can really sway one's perspective. I was rested, uber productive, and before I knew it, I had multi-tasked my way into wedding planning mayhem/bliss. 

Now that The Big Day is over, and I am getting my classroom ready, and I am tutoring, and I am not watching Sex and The City/Kardashians/The Hills mega marathons every day... ugh. I have really felt like I'm too old for this. Especially since the past 4 weeks have been a junk food/drinking/no exercise BINGE and my body is NOT bouncing back the way it used to. Double Ugh.

The worst part about this time of year for a teacher is also the best part. I LOVE catching up with all my coworkers I haven't seen in the past 2 months. I LOVE hearing what they and their families did over summer. But. Unfortunately, the nature of the beast is that we have a very limited amount of time to get our acts together, and oftentimes the conversation is rushed or limited. But, there has been a PLETHORA of  questions about the Wedding, and "it was a good day" juuuust doesn't do it justice.

The most frequent questions have to be, "How does it feel to be married?" or "How are you today, MRS. K?" 
I've been waiting to marry Heffe for far too than long I'd like to admit, and nothing in the world feels better than signing my name, MY name... with his last name. 


Usually, if I'm asked, "How are you today, MRS. K?", all I can muster is a cheesy smile, blushed cheeks, and a "GREAT!!!!", which is followed closely by, "How does it feel to be called that?" or "How does it feel to be someone's wife?" LOADED questions for an already emotionally charged Sciato. I usually respond with social appropriateness, however, and repeat my cheesy, blushed, "GREAT!"

In reality, I'm thinking to myself, "I am SO glad Heffe and I waited until we did to get married." 

For us traditional gals, there is a LOT of changes we have to go through before we can sit back, sip our wine, and soak up wedded bliss. I've had my fair share of whimsical giggles and ear-to-ear, scrunchy nose smiles... in fact, I can't even control when they happen. But, you know me, New World, and I'm probably making this too big of a deal, but those changes we have to go through ARE a big deal to me. I'm not even close to being finished, but I've already spent hours changing my social security card, my drivers license, my bank and credit card accounts, my school files, my professional everything, and still have countless other things to change. I even created a new email account, but cannot bring myself to use it yet. That + new school year + post-wedding blues + thiscrazybigbirthdayeveryoneseemstokeepbringingtomyattention... Sciato is feeling slightly overwhelmed. (What's new.)

So yes. I'm so glad Heffe and I waited until we did to get married. As my dad always tells me (and I mean always, he knows how often I need to hear it!), change is the only constant in life. Heffe and I have been through the emotional and physical rollercoaster that was our early 20s. We've learned how to survive both independently and co-dependently. We know ourselves pretty well, and are learning more about each other every day. When it really comes down to it, I think we've got a pretty solid foundation for our life together. We may not know all the secrets to making a lifelong marriage work, and of course we'll have rough patches, but underneath it all, I know we share the same views and values and beliefs, and know that we both see the same things as important parts of our life that we have now and that we want to have in the future. Together. I've been wanting to get married since I was 5. But there are a few tricks 29-year-old Sciato brings to the table. My greatest trick was getting Heffe to fall in love with me, and then to tell me he wants to be with me forever, and THEN to ask me (on his own and unprompted!) to be his wife. 



I am still the same old Sciato. Always will be. 
I'll just call me ksciato. Yes. I just pronounced that kuh-sciato. :) 

Until next time, New World.

This is me.

Bein ME.

Cheers. :) 

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

My house is throwing a temper tantrum.

Hello, New World!

I come to you this morning with a fresh cup of Seattle's REAL best coffee- thanks for the Valhalla, Tino!!!- and a brain full of... Theories. 

So Heffe and I have been doing somewedding  planning lately, not sure if you knew that. ;) We only have 11 days to go, and anyone who has been through wedding planning can vouch for us when we say our to do list, while no "big" tasks are looming anymore, looks like a 5 year old's scribbles. Cross one thing off, but add 2 more. We'll get there! This is not what my rant is about. 

This rant is about my house and it's pieces crying out to us like a petulant child. 

Apparently, we're not giving enough attention to the 703, what with us cleaning it only once a week and stopping to enjoy it's coziness maybe once every other week. We have dedicated our dining room to wedding things instead of restoring it to it's supper club glory. We've been plugging in new devices and yelling at it's thick walls for blocking netflix. We've left streaks of sample paint colors on its walls, which have served more as conversational art pieces than project kick starters. 

703 got a LOT of much deserved attention from Heffe's mama over the weekend, but I'm pretty sure it's now in full revolt since our attention has not been on finishing the tasks she began for us... It's been on other things... Like wedding planning. 

Here's the evidence. 

1. Our washer broke 2 weeks ago on the eve of our departure for a weekend trip. Our washer said, "You've used me like you always use me... I can't take this love me and leave me. I'll show you." And so, it smoked and smoked and made our kitchen smell bad, and we ultimately had to buy a new washer. 

2. A yellowish line of death has appeared on our kitchen ceiling. Right above it is our master bath's shower stall of doom. We knew it needed serious TLC when we moved in. It's the eyesore of the master bedroom. We thought it was purely asthetically challenged, though. And we continued to use it. Wrong-o!!! So, it said, "I can tell these amateurs have no clue how I work, so I'll make the problem big enough that they have to call in a professional who will know exactly how to treat me." We had to file a claim with our home warranty company (thank God it hadn't expired and we renew in 11 days), but found out the secondary damage to floorboards and walls and ceilings won't be covered. Well played, shower stall. Well played. 

3. Our lawn mower is producing a horrific amount of smoke and burning oil. It said, "This girl is using me for a work out, and bragging to her family about how fast she can mow the entire yard. I am getting tired of her taking all the glory. And by the way, these fools don't even know how to take care of me! Where's my cool drink of water to flush out my blade and underparts after we've sped through the lawn at the speed of light?" (who knew you had to clean a lawn mower, and are supposed to hook up your hose to it when it is running!? Anyone else see that as counterintuitive!!?) I tried to channel my inner mechanic, and Heffe and I have plans to work on it for the third night in a row, but the reality of the matter is, I might as well call a service company and turn out my pockets. 

House-3, Janissa-broke. 

So to all you impending visitors coming soon for wedding festivities... Please rejoice in the glory of 703... And I guess give it a hug. Apparently, it needs it. 

Until next time, I'll be trying to smooth things over in my house-homeowner relationship...

I need a cocktail, New World. 

Cheers. ;)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Danger Zone- Waiting at Verizon.

Hello, New World!

Heffe and I are sitting here waiting for forever at Verizon. It's one of my least favorite tasks. It's down there with the Post Office and the BMV- I know the good or service I want to obtain, but no body seems to be able to translate my need into their language/repertoire of capabilities. Let me clarify. MY local Verizon store is terrible. I know there are plenty of successful stores with super competent and friendly people... But that's just not my store. 

In situations like these, I take on a not so pleasant persona. Since we were waiting for what started out as 25-30 minutes but ended up being the better part of 60 minutes, I chose to take my frustrations out on Pinterest rather than on Heffe. 

Needless to say, New World... Pinterest did NOT disappoint. Hop on, take a ride with me on my waiting line emotional roller coaster...

Side note before I start: I do not even ALLOW myself to look at the wedding section anymore. Too close to go-time, and I don't have a million elves working in my basement on a perfectly worded and witty quote for a framed sign that means, "Seating Chart" made out of vintage, chalkboard-painted, crystal-encrusted, burlap mason jars.

I digress. 

I literally laughed out loud at this one. 

Because organization is a priority... In the summer months ;)

Why didn't I think of that!?


Outdoor pillows are also a priority for Janissa... Could I make these? Probably if I wasn't spending all my time at Verizon. 

Above pillows would look so good here! Less grass for us to mow, too!

Yes, organization is key... In the summer months ;)

In all senses, the antithesis of an English Trifle. Pun intended. "First, there's a layer of jam, then a layer of lady fingers, which I made from scratch, then beef sautéed with peas and onions, more lady fingers, and I top it all off with some whipped cream!" I'll just stick with boiling my cup of salt. 

This is more my style. Nomnomnomnom

This pin was found about 10 minutes before it was our turn. Did I have time to run to Starbucks!? Only in my wildest dreams. 

This was found about 3 seconds before it was our turn/I was ready to flip the phone case display and roar like a cave woman. 

How can I get this in my belly RIGHT NOW to use my gas to teach Verizon to never make me wait this long. :) 


And I leave you, New World, with the slap happiest...
#imightusethisatschool #thanksdaddy

Until next time, Verizon... 
New World, don't worry, you won't have to look for me on the news for holding up my local Verizon store. Janissa made it out safe and sound... And had to be let out of the caged doors since they had closed the store in the time it took to get them to get our things in order. 

Until next time, 

This is me, drinking wine, rewarding myself for a conquering a rough evening, bein me. 

Cheers. :)