Friday, March 29, 2013

My FIRST Blog EVER!!!!!

Well, hello new world! As I sit here on my spring break, updating my Facebook, LinkedIn, and iPhone settings, I noticed two things. 1. A LOT has happened in the past year of my life, and 2. I have no idea how it all flew by me so quickly!!! I consider myself a pretty appreciative and happy person, I do enjoy life to the fullest. I, however, do suck at taking pictures, journaling, reflecting.... let's face it. I'm almost 30, my memory's going fast, and I want to, NEED to, document the prime of my life!!! 

So. I have found a solution!

A few of my friends have told me to blog. First thoughts... wow, my life is seriously so boring and mundane... who the heck will want to read about me?! Then my subconscious kicked in and shouted, um, YOU will LOVE to read about you. DUH! Selfish or unselfish, I want to remember what is going on in my little corner of the world, so here goes the running record of my life. :) 

This is me. Bein me. :) 

Cheers to the view you'll be getting by diving into the crazy that is my inner monologue. :)
Back to the point... My REAL first blog... Sum up of the past year.... GO, SCIATO, GO!

So. Last year at this time, I was living with my parents, had a good job, was doing the long distance relationship thing with Heffe, and I was training for my first marathon. That's a mouthful of a sum-up. 

My family consists of my mom, dad, 2 brothers, 2 sister-in-laws, and 3 nephews. Huge Italian family... 'nuf said. Love and food flow like a river in the Sciato household. Most days :) I am a teacher. I taught kindergarten last year. Love me some teaching :) Heffe and I have been together for about 3 1/2 years now. We dated long distance for about 2 1/2 of those years. Rough stuff. Worth it. :) and... Yes! Who knew a short lil Italian dancer could turn into a runner?! Running  is basically what pulls me through... everything. Stressed? I run. Good mood? I run. My fam says I'm obsessed with it now... they might be right. I love to run. I'm an athlete! More on that later. :)

So last year... yes. I was saving money and doing lots of reflecting while I was shackin up with the parents. It was tough. I like to think I'm a powerful, independent woman. Moving in with my parents took a big slice out of my pride, but it was necessary on so many levels. I can never thank them enough for putting up with my mood swings and angsty behavior.  

So in all my reflections and tears and general blah-ness, I realized that I need to make some moves. Like big moves. Heffe and I need a real adult relationship. It was time for a career move. Running was my constant therapy, helping me see, and believe, that my Greater Plan involved me making some big and bold moves. 
So after I cheated death and ran my first marathon, I really believed, and still do believe, I can do anything I put my mind to. So after I dried the initial tears of "holy crap I'm about to uproot my life and change everything I hope this is worth it...", I put on my big girl pants, and I made the moves.

August (2012) was a big month. I moved to a new (old) city, got a new job (I now teach 1st grade), and basically started living an adult life all over again. I am a creature of habit. The first few months were BAD. Like really bad. I was overwhelmed in every aspect of my life. It was hard to adjust to a new school, it was hard to adjust to missing my family, and it was hard to adjust to seeing Heffe (well, that was nice. :) But making quality time for each other was, and is, so much easier said than done.) and get all of our other things done, too. It just became a 'to-do list' sort of way of living. Do one thing, cross it off. I was adding things to my list like "call mom" or "call friends". Bad. news. bears. It was rough. 

Enter October 2012. My birthday is 10/12, and that always gets me jazzed up. :) However, birthday came about a week earlier last year... October 5, 2012. HEFFE PROPOSES :) **That will have to be an entirely separate blog in and of itself**

My big move was worth it. All the rough patches and panics and stress have totally been worth it. I have found the love of my life, and we are getting ready to start our happily ever after. :) 

But that's not all this blog is about. 

It's March 29, 2013. I'm still feeling very high from the engagement, I'm still missing my family, I'm still adjusting to my job (STILL... creature of habit slash self-induced panic expert, here!), and I'm training for my 4th half marathon. 

My future blogs will have more details about the word vomit that just happened... but until next time...

This is me. Bein me. :) 

Cheers. :)