Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Counting My B's

Hi, New World! It's been awhile. Here's a quick glimpse of the past couple months of my existence. In no particular order...

1. First quarter just ended at school. WHOA. 

2. Heffe and I went to see The Lion King! 

3. I have been babysitting twice a week. I absolutely love losing myself in kid land after NEEDING to be an adult in kid land... Plus, these kids are super cute. :):):)

4. I ran a 5k in October, and came in 30th place out of like a thousand. :)

5. I have rediscovered my love of the TV show, "Scrubs" on Netflix. Not that we don't have the DVDs... But Netflix is so much more convenient. ;)

6. Fall is birthday season for my family. Any excuse to eat cake and lots of food is good enough for me!!!!!

7. We finally got all our bedroom furniture delivered! And it's glorious!

8. We found out Matt the Miller has happy hour on Sunday nights. SUNDAY. NIGHTS. PEOPLE. 

9. I got some new Homage tshirts!

10. We finally transferred all 1,500+ wedding photos to our computers and external hard drive! 

11. I've been working at least one day (usually physically AT school) on the weekend. Pfffffft. 

12. I made a new running playlist, including new tunes! 

13. I made a wreath for our front door!

14. Heffe and I finally were able to spend some QT with our newest nephew/godson, Camden!  What a love!!!!

15. My PSR class had an All Saints Day parade this week- all my students dressed up like saints! Too cute!

16. I've decided to take time for ME and JUST ME and have been getting my nails done just about every week since school started. Whatever, it makes me happy!

17. I completely changed banks. Think about it and how much you have tied to your primary checking account. 'Nuff said. 

18. My class at school went on a field trip last week! Delaware City was so good to us!

19. Amanda and I threw a baby shower for our sister-in-law Chris!! She is due in a few short weeks!!! aahhhh!!!!:)

20. I painted one of our bathrooms all by myself!

21.  Janissa was honored to host our sister Aileen for an entire weekend!! 

22. We bought Twix for trick or treaters. They obviously had no chance at survival, and we needed to buy a second... and then third bag of chocolatey candy. 

23. I'm going to sign up for the Flying Pig Marathon. Eeeeeeeeeeee!

24. Online shopping is still just too much fun!

25. I have been to the dentist, doctor (twice), lens crafters, and have another appointment scheduled next week... In the past 2 months. I feel geriatric!

26. I have taught all 25 of my students how to appropriately use school-associated social media. 

27. Most Thursdays evenings are reserved for happy hours and/or catch ups. Most have been a combination of both with great friends. I am blessed. 

28. I'm channeling my inner-suppressed-collegiate Sciato and putting off the tedious work for a professional development class on new progress monitoring/report card methods. 

29. Despite it all, we have been to mass more than not since we've been married. 

30. Cheesy ending- I turned 30. Wwwwwhhhhhhat????

New World, how do you measure your life? These are some of the little moments that mean a lot... Not even close to everything that's impacted my life... But it's where I am. 

Until more elaboration of some said events, I challenge you to measure and fill your time, and count your b's... As a wonderful God-sent song reminded me this morning (I paraphrase), at all times, especially times of crisis... "I hold tight to what I know"... And Count your Blessings more than your Burdens. :)


Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Ten on a Tuesday

Hello, New World!

Just a few scattered thoughts for you on this rainy and chilly fall evening... Yes, I'm holding onto autumn even though Ohio is violently throwing it out the window like burnt cookies. 

aaaaaaaaaand that's number 1. aaaaah, Xavier. I miss you! I miss seeing my friends so often!!! Autumn always reminds me of how beautiful XU's campus looks in the fall. Even though we all did stupid things at one time or another (hence my burnt flaming cookies out the window)... we all had the best freaking time. xoxavier

2. Jason's Deli makes amazing chicken salad. It's very light, and it has pineapples and aaaalmonds in it. Refreshing and doesn't make me feel badly for eating fast food after a quick trip to the gym!

3. Today was a new shoe day. Thanks, DSW! Well, I should be thanking myself- my rewards for shopping there too much bought me my new kicks, that did NOT make my feet hurt! win-win!

4. I'm wearing my Christmas fleece with snowflakes on it. Yes, I'm still hanging on to fall, but I'm a realist- it's Ohio, and the 10 day forecast is completely unreliable.

5. My "new" laptop is great... but the keyboard BLOWS. I have had it for almost a year now, and still can't seem to hit the space bar hard enough or at the right angle. And then I have to go back every few seconds and try harder. Irritating! Next laptop- I'll definitely try some typing out to be sure it fits my keyboarding style. #thingsithoughtidneversay #thisunusablespacebarmakesforeasyhashtags

6. Tomorrow is health screenings for my students. I'm SO relieved it's not for me. Like I need one more thing to induce panic attacks about my health- at work, no less!

8. My students and I finished our read aloud today. We have been reading Rump by Liesl Shurtliff. I really thought some of my students were going to cry when it was over. It has truly been a magical journey, and I cannot say enough times how much I have loved reading this book. If you have students in grades 3-5, or are a teacher... please do yourself a favor and look into it.

9. I actually got up this morning when I should have, and ya  know what? I was less tired throughout the day than when I snooze for an hour or so. Even if I did do an abominable parking job in the dark when I got to school. Turns out- all those articles I've read on sleep studies actually might be true!

10. We opened our Halloween candy. Yikes. Bad Janissa!!!!

Callin it a day, New World! What random happenings have plagued your thoughts today? :) 

Until next time...

Cheers :)