Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Good

Hello, New World!

So I have had some extra minutes to dive deep into my curriculum this week. It couldn't have come at a better time. 

We are currently studying government. 


hahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Psych. I promise this will NOT be a specific rant on current politics. (As my loving husband has assured me, this is a rant on behavior, NOT politics.) 

Anywho, I love teaching this unit. It really makes me see the simpler side of politics and how cut and dry it all seems for children. It's unbelievable. Their ideals are so raw and their hearts are so unselfish and they really really want to help others. They giggle when I tell them that sometimes working for the common good is difficult for adults. Their world is so simple. Even though it makes me feel jaded and very cautious about choosing unbiased ways of explaining... It's such a refreshing unit.

Two instances today made me CRAVE that safe and protected environment of my classroom discussions.

1. Reading Facebook today has really upset me. It makes me feel so embarrassed for others and their decisions. True, I have posted some stupid things on Facebook, and some immature pictures on Instagram in the past, but I'm talking about people who are older than me and don't even know each other, but are arguing over whether the other person's political "news" post from Buzzfeed was accurate. These arguments always ended in cursing and personal slams, which we all know is the only way we find out the winner of pissing contests.

2. I overheard some gossip today that I shouldn't have. This  made me think. Well, it made me anxious at first, to be honest. I suck at secrets and I hate hurting others and even though I'm guilty of it, too... gossip only brings trouble. 
As I've mentioned in previous blogs lately, I've been doing lots of thinking of assumptions. In the end... my Mom is right. (Yes, Mom... you don't have to read it again. I actually said that you are right!!!!) When we assume things, whether that is the outcome of a situation, someone else's feelings or motives, have our own agenda or expectation, or even when we have an emotional knee-jerk reaction... we make an ASS out of U and ME. 

To get back to it...

None of us are perfect. We are going to do and say things that don't reflect our true intentions. We are going to make bad choices. It doesn't mean we are bad people. We will learn that there is a consequence for our behavior, and there will always be an equal and opposite reaction for every action we take.

Which actions are we willing to take? 

My hope is that we are all willing to take action to defend the good. 
Not the common-for-my-group good. Not the common-for-my-generation good. Not the common-to-let-everyone-know-I'm-right-because-I-can-yell-really-loud-and-walk-all-over-those-around-me-until-they-are-nothing-but-a-doormat-and-I-judge-the-crap-out-of-them-for-assuming-they-judge-me-so-I'm-going-to-react-out-of-fear-and-false-sense-of-power-to-try-and-make-everyone-feel-stupid-to-make-myself-feel-better good.
I mean the common-good-that-will-nurture-this-next-generation-into-a-cycle-of-respect-for-all-and-won't-make-my-tiny-lessons-of-civility-and-compassion-and-compromise-be-for-nothing. 

We all have something to learn from these incredibly GOOD children. 

Until next time... let's all try to find common ground and defend the good in this world.
