Wednesday, July 8, 2015

My Wings

Hi New World. Remember me? My name is Sciato and I'm probs on the list of World's Worst Bloggers. Gotta get back on track. But you'll be really proud to note that I've been thinking and stewing over this particular post for about 2 months. So gear up for a long post. I sum up. Too much for sum up. Gear up for a long post. :)

Do the math. In the past 2 months, I have:
-Finished my EIGHTH year of teaching (WTH father time, why am I old?!)
-Received 4 hours of graduate credit
-Babysat two amazing kiddos that I'm completely in love with
-Seen just about everyone in my family- and snuggled all of my nephews and niece!
-Proudly watched my amazing husband GRADUATE with his MBA! Yahoo for Heffe!
-Thrown Heffe a surprise 30th birthday party!
-Supported 12 Girls on the Run!!!!!! Star Power, baby!!!!
-Been to Cincinnati, Cleveland, DISNEY, Sarasota, New Orleans, and lived to tell the tales!

...There's way more, obvi, but this last one brings me to the jumping point of this post...

-Ran with Heffe in this little thing called The Flying Pig Marathon.

That's right New World. Rewind to October 2013 when I promised you that I'd run this race. I did. :) 

In typical Sciato fashion, I freaking NAILED every training run. Heffe and I had a billion other things going on (um, he was taking classes three nights a week and STILL managed to KILL IT), so training was always first in our minds, but in reality, last on our plate. We made sure to at least run 3 times a week, and if we made it to 4 times, it was great, but we knew we were pushing ourselves to the limit, and not necessarily in a good way. Nevertheless, we checked off each of our long runs of the 18 week training, with very few bumps in the road.

With that being said, my actual race day did not go as planned. By the time Heffe and I reached race weekend, we were physically prepared, but our nerves were at an all time high. We were at the point where it was something to cross off, and while we were so excited, it was just a huge point of anxiety for both of us.

We started off pretty strong, and were actually pushing a comfortable pace. Hell, my buddy Marisa and I were even SINGING to each other around mile 4 (probably to everyone else's dismay, but who cares, it's a marathon, you do what ya gotta do!!). About mile 7, we started hitting the serious hills. Lucky for us, I had run the half before, and Marisa had given us a play-by-play of the course layout. We were ready, and had done some pretty significant hill training. The hills were my goal. 

When I say "the hills were my goal" I mean that to the utmost extent. It had become such a mental game at that point that I wasn't even thinking about the END of the marathon. I was thinking about the hills. My hills. My Everest. I needed to conquer them. It was personal. 

I was feeling great before I started the initial ascent and also saw my family- Michael, Chris, baby Lucy, and Amanda!!! And a blink of an eye and a KILLER view of the city later, mile 9 came and went, and I had killed the hills! I DID IT. It was hard, and I for sure wanted to stop, but with a ton of tenacity and support from Heffe, I killed the hills. Since this was my goal, I pretty much shut down mentally after this. 

I couldn't find a rhythm, started cramping, got side stitches, and walked a LOT after this. When we saw my parents at mile 12, I put on a brave face for them, and when we hit the insane incline hills at mile 15 (on Watterson Street, ugh!), I ran up it. Never in my wildest dreams did I think it would be that difficult. I mean, I had ROCKED every training run- including BOTH 20 milers! And this was MY RACE. I had talked way too big of a game to fail. But, I didn't fail- I achieved my goal and ran up the hills! And if anything, this proves that running is a complete mental game. And my mindset was that I had conquered the hills... I am done.

I think this is a great segue for My Ode To Heffe and Marisa- my running gods. I cannot put into words the motivation you gave me, give me, and continue to give me. You literally saw me at my worst, and still supported me. I don't know how you did it, but you were, ARE, my shining lights, and I will be forever grateful for your support. <3

Needless to say, I did not make my secret time goal, but remember, New World? That wasn't even my "real" goal. I freaking rocked those hills. And if you think I'm exaggerating about the intensity of these hills, ask any runner or google "Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon" and it will be categorized as one of the toughest races in the country. That being said, don't let me scare you- you should TOTALLY DO IT. I have wanted to do this race for 5 years and I accomplished it. Yes, it's tough, but oh my gosh, oh so memorable. I cannot say enough good things about the course, stops, logistics and overall environment. A perfect final marathon to my Ohio I-71 Trifecta of Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati. If you run it, I promise I will come support you with cowbells and signs and screams of joy. :) 

Completing the Flying Pig gives me such pride and joy that it makes me actually tear up thinking of it. This race was such a long time coming. I put in 5 years of mental dedication, overcame injuries, altered my entire life style, moved a couple times, traveled, ran hundreds of miles, abused 10+ pair of running shoes, and talked (probs overshared) to everyone I possibly could about running. And guess what, New World? I. Freaking. Did. It. 

I've said it once, and I'll say it a million times. Marathon training is a mental game. Anyone can do the physical training; tough as it is, that is the easy part. It is freaking HARD to get to that mental place where you are willingly giving up countless hours of your life DAILY in order to cheat death for ONE DAY. In my case, THREE days. In Heffe's case, FIVE days. 

Again, perfect segue to explain to you how much of a  machine my husband is. FIVE MARATHONS, people. Supported me through 2 of them!!! Do you know how difficult it is to simply RUN a marathon, let alone emotionally carry another person as you RUN a MARATHON??? We know plenty of couples that run "together", but it is always such a Booyah Moment when I tell people that we really truly do run TOGETHER. :) Love you, Heffe. :)

The Flying Pig was the final piece of my Ohio Trifecta. The Flying Pig was also the final piece of my marathon days, at least for the foreseeable future. I am forever grateful to have those 5 years, and I will never ever forget the lows and highs of training and race days. I have those memories forever, but I am ready and happy to hang up my long distance running shoes for awhile.

Heffe and I have had many a conversation about this, and many a time it ends with, "So should we sign up for a race?", to which we giggle and raise our glasses and toast ourselves for being masters of the universe. These had been pretty private conversations, until last week, when I actually told someone I had "hung up my running shoes." 

Seeing the expression on their face when I verbalized this sentiment was what I feared. Running has become part of  my personality, and it was like that part of me had died. And I read it on their face. 

A little dramatic, yes, but nevertheless, I realized at that very moment that it would be the sickest joke in the world if I killed that part of me and "hung up my running shoes" for good. I am only kidding myself, really. I have kept a log of miles since the Flying Pig (as does Heffe) and we each have weekly mileage goals. I have run through yet another pair of shoes, and have tentatively planned for when I will need to buy a new pair (and a new pair of compression pants and a new jacket for fall runs...etc...). I finally understand: Just because I'm not officially signed up for any races doesn't mean I'm not a runner anymore.  I am, and as long as I physically can, will always be a runner.

So, if I'm not running races, what does it mean to be a runner? In the most basic of terms, it means running 2-4 miles BEFORE my workouts. It means seeing a beautiful day and dropping everything to get some miles in outside. It means lusting after newly released colors for my old faithful style of running shoes.

But being a runner means waayyyyyy more than that. It means being able to commit to something really overwhelming, and accomplish goals. It means being a hard and smart worker. It means having the mental strength to complete a task when all you want to do is crawl into a hole. It means carrying on through struggles. It means moving forward when it hurts and when you really really want to stop moving altogether. It means hitting The Wall. It means falling into that horrifying place inside yourself that is deep and dark and feels claustrophobic and all you can do is rock and cry... but it also means having a crystallizing moment, and remembering that you can and really do already know how to to fly your way out. 

We all have our walls. We all have our struggles. I am an optimist; however I am enough of a realist to understand that my tough walls are only going to get darker and deeper as time goes on. But, New World, I can tell you this. With a lot of support and a lot of faith, I will always be able to fly over those walls and out of those deep, dark places. 

So even though I won't be sporting my long distance running shoes, I will always wear
My Wings.

Until next time, New World,

This is me. Bein me.

Cheers. :)

Monday, March 30, 2015

Lex Vegas!

Hello, New World!

This weekend, I visited a new city, ran a half marathon, and generally basked in glorious merriment with one of my BEST friends, Marisa.
AND... to top off my weekend... today is the first official day of Spring Break 2015.

I say official because I started off spring break a little early with the stomach flu. I started feeling pretty icky on Wednesday evening, and couldn't make it through our training run, despite the gorgeous weather. So, I barely ate dinner, I went to bed early, and woke up Thursday morning at around 6 almost unable to stand up. Full blown stomach flu. Double Dragon. 'Nuff said. I had to call for a sub that very minute, and I HATE doing that. Nothing worse than feeling physically awful and THEN having to worry about a substitute. Thank GOD I have an amazing team that I teach with, and they were gracious enough to pick up the pieces of my scrambled lesson plans. I spent the rest of the day fading in and out of consciousness. Literally. Didn't leave bed until about 6pm, when I scratched out some more crappy lesson plans, showered, forced myself to stay awake until Heffe got home from class (okay, until Heffe WALKED IN THE DOOR from class at 9:30), and passed out again until Friday morning at 7am. I already had Friday scheduled as a personal day to travel for said weekend merriment, which was a blessing, given the horrific timing of sickness. Ugh. Talk about a physically and emotionally exhausting 24 hours. Every time I woke up from the sickness coma, I had anxiety about not being able to travel for said merriment with Marisa.

Meesie and I have had this trip planned for MONTHS. She is a crazier runner than me, and found this random but amazing race (Run the Bluegrass), and then convinced me and her running club buddies to do it with her. In fact, I can remember the exact day she convinced me- I signed up for Run the Bluegrass AND the Flying Pig Marathon on the same night. She cray.

Run the Bluegrass is a relatively new race, this only being its 5th year of existence. It is in Lexington, and begins and ends at the legendary Keeneland Race Track. The race takes you through the (not so) rolling hills of private horse farms. The online pictures were beautiful, and even though I knew the hills would be tough, I had months to train for it, and I'd be up for the challenge! 
Enter God laughing at my plans.

So when I woke up on Friday morning, I was determined to at least get to Lexington to support Marisa and her running group. I took my time, and pulled my life together, and kept telling myself that I need to at least make it to downtown, I need to at least make it to the "Hell is Real" billboards, I need to at least make it to the outlet malls... etc... until I got to Marisa's house in Independence, KY. I made it! Woohoo! It was like slow motion running... except I was woozy and I was hobbling.. but I finally made it! Meesie and I don't get to see each other too often, and that first moment was all kinds of Disney music and fireworks. :) We did a quick tour of her house (since we figured out it had been 4 FREAKING YEARS since I'd been there... some friend I am...), loaded up her car, and made our way to Lexington! (By the by, on our way, we passed the Big Bone Lick State Park... and immediately had to google Sugartit, KY... but that's a blog for another day!)

So we made our way to the race expo, and I swear, my heart pulled me through the entire building. As soon as we stepped inside and saw the medals we would EARN the next day, something went off inside me and I forgot for a few minutes that I was feeling sick. Walking through the expo, collecting my bib, seeing all my fellow runners... I haven't been in a "race" since .... I can't even remember and I missed that feeling of "yeah I'm kind of a bad ass and you all freaking know it!!!!" :) 

After the expo, we checked into our hotel, and took naps. Me, because just as quick as I forgot I was sick, I remembered I was. Meese, because girlfriend loves her some naps! Some things don't change, and I love that!!! :) But in our defense, when the hotel is this cute and cozy, how could we NOT take naps?

 The hotel bar! Super cute.

 See the horseshoes? Do the horses wear horse socks? Is anybody listening to me? 

Not entirely sure we were allowed to go upstairs, but we did anyway!! #cantstopwontstop

Once we were recharged, we reviewed the race details, and grabbed a bite to eat at a downtown Lexington restaurant called, Saul Good. :) Can't make this up. Not only was this my first full meal since Wednesday at lunch, our server talked us into EACH getting a pizza, and thus, the Double Decker Pizza was born.

 Neese and Meese. :) 

 Victory Golden Monkey Banana Whatever 9.5% Beer for Meesie!

This is the stuff dreams are made of. 
 Double Decker Pizza. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

Obviously, we did not finish either, and then promptly went back to the hotel. After a quick nightcap, we hit the sack early. We had places to be in the morning!!

Reason number a million why I loved this race... it started at 9!!!! Most races begin during the 6 or 7 am hours... not this one! Amazing.

So amazing, in fact, that it was STILL 20 degrees when we started. Hello, Kentucky... it's the end of March. Stop snowing, and start pumping that southern heat already! Besides the entire feet freezing and not being able to feel our feet until mile 3... it was a pleasant experience! ;) 

Here we are with Meesie's running pals, the Tristate Running Club!

The start line!!! Can't you just hear the pounding beat and AC/DC's "Thunderstruck"????? Always a good adrenaline kick!!!!!
About mile 3.... holding strong! This was also one of the ugliest spots on the course... and it's still not even that bad!!!! So pretty. Glad we had such amazing scenery to take our minds of how badly our legs were burning!....

(disregard the screen shot) 
I'm glad we saw this elevation chart AFTER the race... we clearly had no idea what we were in for!!! Think of those back country hills that make your tummy woozy and a little car sick... yup. That's what we ran!! For 13.1 miles!!!! It was hands down, the TOUGHEST race I've ever done.

I've said it once, and I'll say it a MILLION times, running is like 2% physical ability, and 98% mind games. This race was a legit half marathon... but it was really just another run during marathon training. How freaking crazy are we. Why, yes, I'd LOVE to self-induce more panic and anxiety than humanly necessary and register for an actual RACE with other people and logistics to work out, when I could easily run this weekend at my own pace and on a trail I know and love. So throughout the entire 13.1 miles, I kept thinking... "well, shit, Sciato, you ran 20 miles last week, this should be a CAKEWALK. You have 13 miles again next weekend when you are traveling again, followed by 20. Do NOT let these hills get in your head... but maybe you should tell Meese and her girls to go ahead and beast mode through this hill and you'll catch up on the down side... NO DON'T VERBALLY GIVE UP... You can make it one more hill... Don't verbally give up... Don't verbally give up... Holy mother my legs are burning but you can see the top of the hill.... Breathe.... breathe.... 'And I would walk 500 miles and I would walk 500 more just to be the....heavy breathing... heavy breathing..... LOTTA VODKA......LOTTA VODKA.......and pizza wine and chocolate and more.....".... 13.1 miles of mind games. But....

We made it!!!! Sweet victory!!!!!! Look at us go! And Meesie even got a beer!!!!

After we finished shivering and congratulating ourselves for being masters of the universe, we decided it was time to head back to Independence. We stopped for Starbucks, and made our way back to Casa di Himmler. We showered, snuggled her furrbabies, and did what we do... nap. :)

Okay! Powered up and starting to rehydrate! Just in time to get ready and do a WINE TASTING! Okay!!!! We also made our way onto the Kentucky Backwood Wine Trail, and I'm not even mad. I'm impressed. Meese and only 48 hours recovered from Double Dragon Neese did good!

Wine tasting kind of took the wind out of our sails. #runnerprobs #perpetualdehydration And I was still trying to prove to myself I was NOT sick anymore.  We grabbed dinner and went back to Meese's for March Madness. But really, it was March Calmness, as we were asleep within about 30 minutes. :) 

The next morning, we went to ....

This is the restaurant where Marisa and her boo Aaron had their rehearsal dinner. Sunday brunch was just another level of merriment for us. Truly an amazing place. We were lucky enough to have the place almost completely to ourselves before a large party arrived.

 We obviously earned these breakfast cocktails. On the menu, there was an option for "bottomless"... I've got my eye on you for next time, Bottomless Mimosa! 

 My "Best Sandwich" and Meese's biscuits and gravy! nomnomnomnomnomnom

Well, that took me to the part of the weekend where I had to say goodbye to my bestie... so sad. Our time together is never long enough, but man, was this a necessary jump away from normal life! :) 

Marisa, thank you so much for being such a gracious host to a sicky Sciato, and I cannot wait to see you again very soon!!!!!

Until next time, New World, wherever your travels may take you... 
Mine will be taking me on my second spring break trip very soon....... EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

But wherever I am... 

I'll still be here... Just bein me. :) 

Cheers. :)

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Power Songs

Hello, New World!

As Heffe and I finish up week 8 of marathon training, we have found ourselves in quite the Midwestern Winter conundrum. It's cold as sssshhhhh and snowy and all kinds of White Witch Narnia. We can't run outside without risking super clumsy behavior and/or debilitating injuries. 

So. We get to train on treadmills! Yay!!!...  

I didn't know what I was capable of as a HUMAN until I had to train for my first marathon on a treadmill. Sure. It's easy to walk or run a few miles here or there, especially to warm up for a workout. However, spending 2-4 hours on a treadmill is a COMPLETELY different story. 

The first time I ran 6 miles was outside, and it flew by. The first time I ran 6 miles on a treadmill was torture. I've learned that during 60+minute treadmill runs, I NEED to get to a very very BLANK place in my own head... Somewhere between asleep and driving a long, quiet distance by myself... Oh, and I'm running the whole time, aka, trying to actually not fall off the machine, focusing on correct form, calm breathing, trying not to cramp, readjusting my clothing a million times because I sweat more indoors than out and my sports bra is leaving "vampire bites" on my rib cage, and wondering if those pains on my toes are blisters that will pop during the run or if I'll need to bust out a sewing needle to fix them after. If I can't get to this Blank Space... I'm stuck in the same place that wakes you up at 2:30am to ask you if you remember that time 3 weeks ago when you stuck your foot in your mouth, and wonder if your relationship with the cashier at Kroger will ever be the same. 

Something that I've found helps me find this Blank Space is finding RIGHTEOUS tunes. Nike+ (that I used to use) referred to these songs as "Power Songs". My Nike+ coach would say, "Tap a Power Song to get you to the next milestone." Don't mind if I do. 

Here are a few GEMS that are on every running list I've ever had. You are not allowed to judge or make fun of me for my choices. I'm sure whatever motivates you would not necessarily motivate me.

*The following list does NOT include some songs...  Thank you for NOTHING iCloud. I need to re-upload:
-"Defying Gravity" and "No Good Deed" from the musical, Wicked
-"Immortality" and "When You Look At Me" by Celine

And... in no particular order...

Okay, confession. I did pick this Kanye song to be last. Music is the food of love! Play on, play on, PLAY ON. My eternal optimistic outlook hasn't let me down yet. My whole point is that even though my feet are gross, I have weird aches, and "vampire bites" on my rib cage... I have something no one can make fun of me for or take away from me... I have pride that today I am stronger than I was yesterday. Stronger mentally, stronger physically, stronger emotionally. It sucks for now, and hopefully the weather breaks soon so I can enjoy a few weeks of training before the race... But at least I know, that since I'm taking care of myself, it's not going to killing me. Some might think it's weird or even borderline masochistic... But I KNOW this is making me stronger. 

What are your Power Songs? What helps you focus through a tough workout or long run? 
We gotta help each other!

Cheers :)

Thursday, February 5, 2015

My Ode to a Clean Bathroom

Hello, New World!

It's Thursday, and this is the middle of the 6th week of marathon training!

I've run 121 miles in the past 6 weeks, and am pretty proud to say that (as of tonight) I've only skipped 4 runs for a total of 22 miles. Not too shabby for a busy Sciato!

I'd like congratulate myself on being a master of the universe for the following reasons:

1. I've seriously cut the booze out of my life. There have been a few nights of excessive inebriation, but compared to the 2 week eating and drinking BINGE that was winter break, I feel like a new woman!

2. I have packed my breakfast and lunch, and I have cooked dinner at least 4 nights a week since the beginning of the semester. Since I've been running an average of about 20 miles per week, Sciato's been HUNGRY... but has been good, and made sure to pack lots of fruits, veggies, and protein-packed snackies for in-between meals.

3. I have stayed on the straight and narrow and kept up with my to-do lists at school. Fire drills keep happening, but it is what it is...and I have effectively put my foot down. I have set realistic expectations for myself, and I am holding myself accountable for only doing what I can actually do. Balance, balance, balance. 

4. I have had at least 100 oz. of water a day for the better part of the last 6 weeks, and can feel dehydrated when I have even a little less than that.
I have health issues, this is no shock to anyone. One of the self-diagnosed issues I have is what I like to call "hyperactive instantaneous dehydration." I'm clearly overreacting, but it is a little crazy. Whether it is my OCD out of my habit of drinking so much water, or if it is a real physical thing, my body acts differently when I don't drink at least 80 oz of water a day. It's bad. Like we're talking if I have too much coffee and not enough water to balance it out (waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah), I feel hungover the next day. I feel it most in my stomach, and I get RLS, and my head ACHES when I don't drink enough water. 
So, I buy 2-3 gallon jugs of drinking water every week at the grocery store, and go through them all at school. I carry at least one water bottle with me at all times. I make sure to drink a FULL glass of water as soon as I wake up, and a FULL glass of water before I go to bed. 

All of this being said... besides the trail/treadmill, school, and my bed... the place where I have spent the most time in the past 6 weeks is...

Il bagno.

I have made ABSOLUTELY SURE to clean the porcelain thrones in my house every single week (if not more often than that) and I am ACUTELY aware of germs lurking in public places.

Ladies, I congratulate you on being the most disgusting creatures in the world. Seriously. It's sick. Having sore muscles from all the running 80% of the time only exacerbates the pain when trying to hold a squat for the amount of time it takes to get 100 oz of water out of my bladder. 

I'd like to take this opportunity to bow down to the ladies who have survived the teaching profession with fully functioning bladders. We DON'T get to pee whenever we want. It's a simple task that so many of us take for granted. Free flowing. It sucks and it sucks and it sucks some more. I can HARDLY EVER hold it for the 2.5 hours in the morning that I have my students without a break after morning coffee and about 40 oz of water. "Mrs. Kent, why are you sweating and walking funny?" "Because my legs are sore and my face is trying to sweat urine." #sciencelesson

My plea to YOU, New World...

I have yet to find a decently clean public restroom, but when I do... Oh New World, when I do... it will be like the end of a long run meets ice cream cake meets Friends marathon meets Justin Timberlake meets Pearly Gates.

Until I find my nirvana in an outhouse nutshell...

This is me, being over-hydrated me.... gotta run before I spring a leak...

Cheers ;)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

525,600 Somethings

Hello, New World!


This Monday marked the first week of FLYING PIG TRAINING!!!!!!! I have had a few crystallizing milliseconds of the imnotoutofbreathsoicanthinkaboutotherthings running groove lately, mostly about the transition into a new year. 2014 has been the hardest, but BEST year of my life, and even though I know 2015 will be even better, I cannot transition into the new year without acknowledging at least part of why 2014 was so beautiful.

The song, "Seasons of Love" keeps creeping into my mind as I continue to write, edit, and revise this post. How should I measure the year 2014? 

In daylights- 365. Easy. Funny how the only daylight that I really remember was on July 12, 2014. :) (Yup! That's our wedding day:) New World, did you know I got MARRIED this year to the LOVE OF MY LIFE???? :))
In sunsets- Heffe and I are in the process of collecting pictures of our most memorable sunsets to put up in our master bedroom
In midnights- How many nights did we stay up watching dvr-ed "Survivor" on Wednesday nights after Heffe came home late from class:) Doesn't matter- best night of the work week:)
In cups of coffee- This may actually be THE way to measure the year. Okay... 365 x 2 ... or 3.... or 4.... Don't judge me, New World!
In inches- Oooooh the measuring and re-measuring of rooms for new furniture
In miles- Well, I have run through 2 pair of running shoes (300 miles x 2) and my car reached the 100,000 mark :)
In laughter- The sound of my 4 nephews laughing is the BEST sound in the world! How many times I completely lost it laughing with friends? How amazing it is to hear the people around you laugh without reservation!!
In strife- As I sat back and reread my posts from the year, it was easy to see that this has been a trying year- dealing with family health and all its implications, my own health issues, the stress and anxiety of wedding planning, professional/personal life balance... it's been a tough year. However, I'm proud that even though parts have really been difficult and have shaken me to my core, I still try to have a positive outlook, and try to give 100% to all I do. Half-ass is NOT in my vocabulary!
Journeys to plan- OUR HONEYMOON WAS THIS YEAR!!!!! Most absolutely amazing journey to date :) Whenever I think of those precious 10 days Jeff and I spent together, it just makes me smile. :)
Truths that she learned- Wow. I think the biggest truths were truths about myself. What I'm willing to do, give, sacrifice, fight for. Truth about myself. It's big stuff, New World!
Times that [s]he cried- insert Kourtney Kardashian, "Why are you crying? What are your tears for?" It's no secret that I cry more than the average human new born. If it's not brought on by stress or booze, it's brought on by compassion or empathy. Or a really good Hallmark movie.
Bridges she burned- I sincerely hope I have not burned bridges in 2014. One of the hardest parts about moving to Columbus was leaving my great friends and amazing J23 family. I hope you all know that even if I have not done a great job of keeping in touch, I think of you ALL so often!
The way that she died- Jeff is definitely an "all things happen for a reason" kind of man. He helps me to realize that there is something for us to learn from every tragedy, and those that have been called to Heaven in 2014 will certainly be held in our hearts forever.

Well, as the song goes, "the story never ends," and even though 2014 was the most incredible year to date, the best IS yet to come.

Bring it on, 2015! You've got some big shoes to fill. :) 

Until next time, New World

This is me. Bein me. :)
