Sunday, June 23, 2013

Weekend Update!

Hello, new world!!! 

Just a quick post to recap the last 24 hours of my life. :)

Saturday- slept in, ran 5 miles, went CRAZY shopping (whoops! Sorry I'm NOT sorry!!!), then Heffe and I had ourselves a little date night!!!

 Here we are at Lindey's... Sciato and Heffe get fancy! :) We split a bottle of Chianti (my FAVE red wine), a roasted artichoke, and then for entrees, Heffe got steak and I had salmon. nomnomnomnomnom!

Then we went to see "Wicked"!!!! My first time seeing the musical, Heffe's seen it a couple times. I CRIED the entire time. Partly because of being overserved both at dinner and the theater, partly because the soundtrack is AMAZING. I just cannot even describe how beautiful and emotional the score is... I'm getting a little weepy thinking of it! I was genuinely SAD when it was over!!! Thanks Mama and Papa Sciato- the awesome tickets were a Christmas gift from them!!!

Here we are in front of the Statehouse. We. Love. Ohio. And America. :)

Part of the backdrop of the stage. It's a map of the Land of Oz! :)

Not only was Saturday our first date night in awhile... it is probably going to be our last date night OUT for awhile! (We're moving soon... more to come on that in the coming weeks!) But, the teenage girl stuck inside me knows that this might have been the last date night where Heffe actually physically "picks me up" for a date. It's a little bittersweet... but mostly sweet, since I know how many exciting and wonderful things we have to discover in our future. :)

So. Saturday was wonderful. :) 

Today, Sunday, June 23, my mom, maid of honor Aims, and one of my future seesters-in-law, Cdawg, went wedding shopping.... Aaaaaaaand, new world.....


I'm pretty sure I've sent pictures to everyone... but it is KILLING me to not show Heffe!!!!! I want him to see it and give me his opinion... not that it will matter, we have a nonrefundable deposit on it, haha! But I SOOO want to show him!!! It's going to be a long year.. worth it, I know, duh... but a LONG year :)

Aims and I promptly went to Marcella's to celebrate by sipping on red sangria and munching on bruschetta. :) Do I have the best friends and family or what!!?? :) :)

So, new world, it's been a great weekend. Back to real life tomorrow, but that's okay!!! 

My teacher friends and I have been talking about how teachers have split personalities- school selves and summer selves. Well, it's only taken about a month, but Summer Sciato is here. :) 

Cheers. :)

Friday, June 14, 2013

Highlights of the Family Vacay!

Hello, new world!! 

Okay, here I am. It's been one week since school let out for summer, and what a week it's been!! Closed out my classroom, moved all my things to pallets to be moved to a new classroom next year (same school, just a different grade), hung out with my best friend and bridesmaid Cassie (she is a Captain in the Air Force and is FINALLY home from deployment, so we spent every MINUTE we could together) and then, drove to Cincy to then drive 17 MORE hours to Orlando, Florida for a family vacation!! 
Heard of the Griswolds? They have NOTHING on us. 

My big brother Tony and sister-in-law Amanda decided to take their boys to Disney... naturally the rest of my family took them seriously when they asked if we wanted to go!! We are on our way back to Orlando from Siesta Key Beach (Sarasota), and boy, have we made a lot of memories in the past week. 

Enjoy the highlights. :)

My nephews' first trip to Disney World...GO! 

Downtown Disney

 Disney Jr. show at Hollywood Studios

SCIATO's first trip to Epcot!

The moments we were waiting for!!! At Hollywood Studios with Buzz and Woody!! Talk about those magical moments of wonder and awe that only Disney can provide... Totally starstruck :) 

Stiiiiillllllll trying to figure out how Heffe and I can stay here for one night on our honeymoon :)

We went to Animal Kingdom, too, but I haven't uploaded those pics yet. :) 

Aaaand my nephews' first trip to the beach... Most of those pics haven't been uploaded either. I did, however, send some token beachy gem photos to Heffe... Poor Heffe, him couldn't come with my fam on this trip... This is his first week of summer MBA classes. My nephews missed him so much!!

I feel it necessary to give shout outs to my newest sista-in-law, Chris, and my forever sister-in-law, Amanda. My fam is a LOT to deal with, but we all sucked it up and gave the boys all we had!!

So. After Mama C makes us a wonderful spaghetti and meatball family dinner (you know, we're not quite sick of each other yet!;)) and after we get fro-yo, and enjoy the pool one last time... As I lay in bed in complete sunburnt blotchy agony tonight, I will take comfort in the fact that I was able to be a part of the chaos and magic of my nephews' first family vacation :)

Cheers :)