Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Danger Zone- Waiting at Verizon.

Hello, New World!

Heffe and I are sitting here waiting for forever at Verizon. It's one of my least favorite tasks. It's down there with the Post Office and the BMV- I know the good or service I want to obtain, but no body seems to be able to translate my need into their language/repertoire of capabilities. Let me clarify. MY local Verizon store is terrible. I know there are plenty of successful stores with super competent and friendly people... But that's just not my store. 

In situations like these, I take on a not so pleasant persona. Since we were waiting for what started out as 25-30 minutes but ended up being the better part of 60 minutes, I chose to take my frustrations out on Pinterest rather than on Heffe. 

Needless to say, New World... Pinterest did NOT disappoint. Hop on, take a ride with me on my waiting line emotional roller coaster...

Side note before I start: I do not even ALLOW myself to look at the wedding section anymore. Too close to go-time, and I don't have a million elves working in my basement on a perfectly worded and witty quote for a framed sign that means, "Seating Chart" made out of vintage, chalkboard-painted, crystal-encrusted, burlap mason jars.

I digress. 

I literally laughed out loud at this one. 

Because organization is a priority... In the summer months ;)

Why didn't I think of that!?


Outdoor pillows are also a priority for Janissa... Could I make these? Probably if I wasn't spending all my time at Verizon. 

Above pillows would look so good here! Less grass for us to mow, too!

Yes, organization is key... In the summer months ;)

In all senses, the antithesis of an English Trifle. Pun intended. "First, there's a layer of jam, then a layer of lady fingers, which I made from scratch, then beef sautéed with peas and onions, more lady fingers, and I top it all off with some whipped cream!" I'll just stick with boiling my cup of salt. 

This is more my style. Nomnomnomnom

This pin was found about 10 minutes before it was our turn. Did I have time to run to Starbucks!? Only in my wildest dreams. 

This was found about 3 seconds before it was our turn/I was ready to flip the phone case display and roar like a cave woman. 

How can I get this in my belly RIGHT NOW to use my gas to teach Verizon to never make me wait this long. :) 


And I leave you, New World, with the slap happiest...
#imightusethisatschool #thanksdaddy

Until next time, Verizon... 
New World, don't worry, you won't have to look for me on the news for holding up my local Verizon store. Janissa made it out safe and sound... And had to be let out of the caged doors since they had closed the store in the time it took to get them to get our things in order. 

Until next time, 

This is me, drinking wine, rewarding myself for a conquering a rough evening, bein me. 

Cheers. :) 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Confessions of a Bride: #ohwaitthatsme

Hello, New World!

The past 2 weekends were an OVERWHELMING reminder of how many amazing people I have in my life.

Not to get on a soap box (but isn't that what this blog is for?!)... but if there's one thing I've learned in my later 20's (especially during wedding planning) that I'd like to go back in time and share with early-20's Sciato.. it's to cut out negativity. That means bad habits, negative people, not putting myself in potentially emotionally harmful or ridiculous situations... Cut out the negativity. While I've figuratively cleansed my aura... I cannot stress enough how blessed I am to have the most supportive, loving, and absolutely inspiring people in my life, and I love you all so much more than you could ever understand. :)

 Last weekend, my sisters-in-law Amanda and Chris hosted a Bridal Shower for me in Cincy with the Sciato/Cappa families and Cincy friends. And this weekend, my bridesmaids and future-but-might-as-well-be-officially-sisters-in-law hosted a Bridal Shower for me in C-bus with the Kent/Radeff families and C-bus friends... followed by the best, most fun, most memorable night I've had... EVER.... my Bachelorette Party. :) 

Instead of chronicle the details of the past 2 weekends, I'd rather give you a play-by-play of my inner monologue. We'll start with the before thoughts, and will progress to during wonderings, and after shocks.

Buckle up, New World.

Who will be here?
Will it be awkward since I might not have seen these people in a while and I have to be fair and give equal time to all my guests?
Will I be overdressed?
Will I be under-dressed?
Will my heels give me blisters that I'll have to smile through at the end of today?
Why am I already sweating?
Does this jewelry match?
Can you see through my dress?
How's my hair?
Does my sweat leave lines through my make up?
What did we even register for?
Oh my gosh, did I forget to invite anyone?!
Holy moley, are all these gifts going to fit in my car?
Is it greedy that I just asked that?
What time is it?
Where's the champagne?
Did I lose my brain and screw up the date?
Do I smell? I've been sweating for an hour.
Will my hair look good in pics or will I look like an electrocution incident?
Who will judge me if I have a 3rd cocktail?
Why is everyone staring at me?
Why do you want to see what I got? You all saw our registry. It's probs something off of that or something super sentimental that I should probably only open at home so I can cry to myself at how lucky we are.
Maybe I'm sweating from anxiety of all these staring faces... do I need to ask my doc for xanax for our wedding?!
Can I have some cheetos?
Where's Heffe?
Is the AC broken up in here?! Why is no one else sweating?? 
Oh my gosh, people are so generous!!
Where should I put all my new gadgets? 
Am I patient and skilled enough to use my new gadgets without burning down our house?
Seriously, should I get my arm pits botoxed? I will never again judge my brothers for keeping a sweat hanky handy.
I need to fart.
I need more food.... like a cheeseburger.
I really want to break these bows... but I know how much baby talk there will be on July 13 (the day AFTER our wedding)... one step at a time, crazy people!
I want to take all these balloons and carry them around in my car forever. 
I want to go shopping at the pink and gray store so I can buy all these decorations for our house, and Heffe will love it.
Oh my gosh, everyone knows how much we love pizza products and wine. I'm not even ashamed!
Is it socially appropriate to get drunk at your own bridal shower?
Seriously, where's Heffe? Him needs to share these moments with me!
Oh my gosh, seriously, people, you are too kind and thoughtful. We aren't that great! Well, Heffe is ;)
I will cry about this later- such sweet gifts.
My family is so amazing.
I am so thankful that all these people are here with me! It's a long day of being social when it's a perfectly good pool/day drinking day!
My in-laws are better than your in-laws. Hands. Down.
I am the luckiest girl in the world.
Aww, Heffe loves me. :) Everyday. :)
We're getting married.
I am the bride!!
I'm going to have a husband in 35 days.
I'm going to be someone's wife in 35 days.
I get to spend forever with my other half. 
Awww, Heffe. :)

As we finish off this weekend with more wedding planning and probably a little booze... I don't think I could feel any happier or more loved... without exploding. :) 

Thank you, to all who were involved in the planning and celebrating...We are beyond blessed. :)

Until next time, New World.

Cheers to YOU. :)