Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Hump Day CtJ

Well, hello new world!

What is a CtJ you ask? It is a Come to Jesus. Heffe and I coined the phrase and use it regularly in our conversations describing anything from "Man, I'm stressed and could really use a good ____" to "Crazy mama walking with her screaming kids while she smokes a cigarette and yells at them to shut up needs a ___."   We had many the CtJs on our drives back and forth seeing each other while we were doing the long distance thang. 

So... what is a CtJ. 

Every once in awhile, you need a Come to Jesus chat with yourself. With Jesus. With no distractions. Completely alone. Zone out. The appeal of the CtJ is that it provides clarity and understanding and sense to the craziness and unpredictability of life. Sometimes CtJs make you laugh. Sometimes CtJs make you cry. A lot of times CtJs make you cry. But it's the culmination of stresses and solutions and comfort that make the CtJ so... beautiful.

I conquered the weather today and willed it not to rain, so I was able to get in a much needed 6 miles. It was a little chilly, a little sunny, I had new tunes to jam out to, the trail was pretty empty... formula for a great run, one might say. 
First substantial run in 2 weeks? Sure. My mind thought it was a great time for a CtJ. 

This is where the magic began...
Seems harmless enough. Ooooh, CtJ... you trickster.

So this is about 0.4 miles into the run (I took the picture at the end, after I had run out and back 6 miles). 
There were some people running in a group that I recognized from last week. The reason I recognized them from any other token runners is that they were pushing running strollers... and the passengers were adults with special needs.  

My heart broke and swelled at the same time. What love and compassion these runners have. What passion they have. What respect for life they have. 
 I hope I see them at the half marathon in 2 weeks, and I hope they beat me.

This respect for life thought got me thinking to a conversation I had with a coworker today in the copy room. She is pregnant (everyone at my school is preggers!! Don't worry Heffe and my new world... I'm NOT drinking THAT water!), and we were just talking about how she and her husband are so excited. She waited to tell everyone until she was in the  middle of her pregnancy... which seemed normal to me (I'm thinking well, duh, you really never know what could happen)... and then she told me she had a miscarriage at the beginning of the year, and how she was glad she didn't tell anyone she was pregnant because she couldn't relive the story every time someone asked her how she was doing. Holy. Lord. Then, we talked about how excited she was for this baby, and how she can't wait to meet him/her. Wow. So much emotion and love and respect for life wrapped up into a 5 minute conversation. 

I know everyone makes mistakes, and people, me included, don't act with dignity and respect for life at all times... 

But as we get caught up in BIG stresses of life... we can't forget the small things. I really believe life is made up of a million small moments that take our breath away. I also believe that there are consequences for everything we do, good or bad. 
Whether you are helping a family member with special needs thrive, or you are expecting mothers and soon to be fathers, or you are just taking care of you and trying to do the right thing... 
Let's all hope and pray for the strength and motivation inspiration we need to show just a little more respect for life.

And that, ladies and gents, is a CtJ. :)

Oh. Gotta close the CtJ out right. 
Ms. Dion is a big part of my CtJs. 

Until next time... this is me... bein me. :) 

Cheers. :)


  1. Love the new layout - nice work Sciato!

    1. Thanks!!!! I had a little too much fun nerding out the other night! :)
